On 01/14/2014 12:23 AM, Prasad Vellanki wrote:

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:14 AM, Steven Dake <sd...@redhat.com <mailto:sd...@redhat.com>> wrote:


Thanks for detailed email. Apologize for the delayed response but we have been thinking about how does software config fit into configuring network and service function devices. I agree with you that in general it is best to get appliance vendors to put cloudinit into their images and thus get on board with what every cloud is doing. I thought I would get some feedback on the direction of Heat for configuring network devices and appliances.

I am thinking there are few things to consider for configuring Network and Network Service devices/Virtual Appliances.

Neutron APIs along with the service APIs provide a way to configure network devices by abstracting the APIs and have a plugin model for individual devices. These APIs include Neutron core apis, Service API such as LBaaS, FWaaS, VPNaaS. Though these are currently for physical devices, there is a movement towards configuring Virtual Appliances too. These APIs will be addressed via Heat Neutron resources.

While *aaS do address configuring the supported service, they do not address the bootstrapping of the device. Generally for most devices bootstrapping is done via rest API and/or SSH. And for unsupported services that do not have these APIs one needs to use custom way to configure where Heat can really help. Bootstrapping includes installing licences, configuring admin password, upgrade software and some with more than that. For this our thought is it would be great to have Heat software config/deployment do bootstrapping, upgrade etc.

While I agree long term is to have vendors to implement cloudinit framework, we were wondering if there is an intermediate solution that will allow configuration without requiring agent and cloudinit, If there is enough critical mass behind such a requirement we can have further discussions on the design and implementation options.

The crux of the problem is how do you obtain critical mass for custom one-off solutions? Lets assume two possible solutions to this problem that these vendors could take. If there are more, please feel free to explain them:

1) Implement a ReST server which the vendor's image talks to ReST server to obtain bootstrapping information
2) SSH into the machine from an external configuration server process

In both of these cases, these would be one-off solutions for each particular vendor. Now assume you take this to the natural conclusion of hundreds of application images - you end up with hundreds of these daemons to handle all the various application images. What is worse, they would have to documented, HA-ified, scale-ified, secure-ified, and deployed. I am doubtful the SSH model would work fitting your constraints (not modifying the image) since some type of SSH key injection would need to be done. I further doubt service providers are really going to want to deal with an extra server in their environment that is not specifically required for OpenStack unless the value offered by the cloud application is tremendous. There are enough daemons already to deal with :)

I get that a whole bunch of different cloud application vendor bootstrapping tools could be merged into "one" daemon and then this one master daemon could be documented, HA-ified, scale-ified, secureified, and deployed. Perhaps there is some sort of financial incentive to make that happen and maybe someone can make a business out of it but my personal feeling is it is the wrong approach. If this is the approach your proposing, it does not fit in with the mission of Heat program specifically, and TBH I'm not certain your goals fit with an existing program to "solve" this particular problem.

Frankly, I don't believe there is a intermediate step application vendors can take here. If they want their images to run in cloud environments because they are cloud workload applications, they need to commit to cloudinit. Cloud application vendors need to balance the position of "We don't want cloudinit because we want our own custom bootstrapping" with "The entire cloud community has made a decision to handle bootstrapping with cloudinit". On balance, the cloud application vendors should follow the lead of the cloud community in general. The cloud community has chosen cloudinit for a reason - it wasn't some random act.

Any other option IMNSHO harms the application vendor's SAM, the OpenStack ecosystem, the architectural clarity of OpenStack and is detrimental to other cloud environments as well.

In this thread I have seen no rationale for *why* cloudinit can't be added to cloud vendor's images by the cloud vendor. We just added heat-cfntools to the RHEL6.5 cloud image, and it cost money to make that happen, but investment in core engineering is a normal activity of any technology business. Are there other rationale beyond the investment expense?

There really is no winner to a custom bootstrapping system, other then the team who make the custom bootstrapping system and sell/support it ;) Even the application vendor loses because their SAM is reduced to the number of customers who purchase this special-purpose bootstrapping service.

When we take on new work with OpenStack, we want everyone to have the potential to be winners.


BTW puppet seems to use similar proxy way to network device configuration. See link below


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