On 2014/22/01 19:46, Tzu-Mainn Chen wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Oh dear user... :)

I'll step a little bit back. We need to agree if we want to name
concepts one way in the background and other way in the UI for user (did
we already agree on this point?). We all know pros and cons. And I will
still fight for users to get global infrastructure terminology  (e.g. he
is going to define Node Profiles instead of Flavors). Because I received

Jarda, sidepoint - could you explain again what the attributes of a node profile
are?  Beyond the Flavor, does it also define an image. . . ?


So... For now, the attributes are:
- Name
- Description
- Image (Image was discussed on the level of a Role, not Node Profile)
- Node Profile(s)

+ Service Specific Configuration (?)
+ Policies (spin up new instance, if...)

-- Jarda

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