Hi Justin,

I can see the value of this, but I'm a bit wary of the metadata service 
extending into a general API - for example I can see this extending into a 
debate about what information needs to be made available about the instances 
(would you always want all instances exposed, all details, etc) - if not we'd 
end up starting to implement policy restrictions in the metadata service and 
starting to replicate parts of the API itself.

Just seeing instances launched before me doesn't really help if they've been 
deleted (but are still in the cached values) does it ?

Since there is some external agent creating these instances, why can't that 
just provide the details directly as user defined metadata ?


From: Justin Santa Barbara [mailto:jus...@fathomdb.com]
Sent: 23 January 2014 16:29
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Nova] bp proposal: discovery of peer instances 
through metadata service

Would appreciate feedback / opinions on this blueprint: 

The idea is: clustered services typically run some sort of gossip protocol, but 
need to find (just) one peer to connect to.  In the physical environment, this 
was done using multicast.  On the cloud, that isn't a great solution.  Instead, 
I propose exposing a list of instances in the same project, through the 
metadata service.

In particular, I'd like to know if anyone has other use cases for instance 
discovery.  For peer-discovery, we can cache the instance list for the lifetime 
of the instance, because it suffices merely to see instances that were launched 
"before me".  (peer1 might not join to peer2, but peer2 will join to peer1).  
Other use cases are likely much less forgiving!


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