Hi Folks -   We had our 1st Bug Scrub meeting and it was a great success.  We 
concentrated on tagging all of the untagged bugs with appropriate tags.  The 
work is not complete, so if you would like to help out - please take a look 
here and tag away.

This table shows the official tags we are using, along with owners, count of 
un-triaged bugs, and count of triaged bugs.  Please scan this list for your 
name and do the following

1.  are you the right owner?  If not let me know
2.  triage your New bugs - there are instructions here
3.  please do this at least weekly if not more.

If you see a NO OWNER for an area you would like to own, please let me know.   
I’m looking for volunteers - we only need 5 more people to cover everything

Once we reach FF our focus moves from BP to bugs so you’ll be hearing from me 
more and more until we release icehouse.  :-D

Tag     Owner   New     Not-New
wat     russellb        48      617
network  arosen 16      47
libvirt  kchamart       15      90
testing NO OWNER        10      38
compute  melwitt        7       51
cells    comstud        5       12
ec2     NO OWNER        5       27
volumes  ndipanov       4       12
api      cyeoh  3       84
console NO OWNER        3       5
db       dripton        2       46
docker   ewindisch      2       16
lxc      zul    2       3
oslo     allison        2       7
baremetal        devananda      1       38
hyper-v  alexpilotti    1       17
novaclient       alaski 1       0
conductor        dansmith       0       3
nova-manage     NO OWNER        0       8
postgresql       dripton        0       0
rootwrap         ttx    0       1
scheduler       NO OWNER        0       9
unified-objects  dansmith       0       0
vmware   hartsocks      0       64
xenserver        johnthetubaguy 0       44
127     1239

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