And sorry, as to your original problem, the loadables approach is kinda
messy since only the classes that are loaded when *that* module are
loaded are used (vs. explicitly specifying them in a config). You may
get different results when the flow changes.

Either entry-points or config would give reliable results.

On 03/04/2014 03:21 PM, Murray, Paul (HP Cloud Services) wrote:
> In a chat with Dan Smith on IRC, he was suggesting that the important thing 
> was not to use class paths in the config file. I can see that internal 
> implementation should not be exposed in the config files - that way the 
> implementation can change without impacting the nova users/operators.

There's plenty of easy ways to deal with that problem vs. entry points.

MyModule.get_my_plugin() ... which can point to anywhere in the module

Also, we don't have any of the headaches of merging setup.cfg sections
(as we see with oslo.* integration).

> Sandy, I'm not sure I really get the security argument. Python provides every 
> means possible to inject code, not sure plugins are so different. Certainly 
> agree on choosing which plugins you want to use though.

The concern is that any compromised part of the python eco-system can
get auto-loaded with the entry-point mechanism. Let's say Nova
auto-loads all modules with entry-points the [foo] section. All I have
to do is create a setup that has a [foo] section and my code is loaded.
Explicit is better than implicit.

So, assuming we don't auto-load modules ... what does the entry-point
approach buy us?

> From: Russell Bryant []
> We should be careful though.  We need to limit what we expose as external 
> plug points, even if we consider them unstable.  If we don't want it to be 
> public, it may not make sense for it to be a plugin interface at all.

I'm not sure what the concern with introducing new extension points is?
OpenStack is basically just a big bag of plugins. If it's optional, it's
supposed to be a plugin (according to the design tenets).

> --
> Russell Bryant
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