> I agree those arguments.
> But I don't see how network-based agent approach works with Neutron
> network for now. Can you please elaborate on it?

Here is the scheme of network-based agent:

server <-> MQ (Marconi) <-> agent

As Doug said, Marconi exposes REST API, just like any other OpenStack
service. The services it provides are similar to the MQ ones (Rabbit
MQ, Qpid, etc.). I.e. very simply there are methods:
 * put_message(queue_name, message_payload)
 * get_message(queue_name)

Multi-tenancy is provided by the same means as in the other OpenStack
projects - user supplies Keystone token in the request and it
determines the tenant used.

As for the network, a networking-based agent requires tcp connection
to Marconi. I.e. you need an agent running on the VM to be able to
connect to Marconi, but not vice versa. That does not sound like a
harsh requirement.

The standard MQ solutions like Rabbit and Qpid actually could be used
here instead of Marconi with one drawback - it is really hard to
reliably implement tenant isolation with them.



2014-04-09 17:38 GMT+04:00 Isaku Yamahata <isaku.yamah...@gmail.com>:
> Hello Dmitry. Thank you for reply.
> On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 03:19:10PM +0400,
> Dmitry Mescheryakov <dmescherya...@mirantis.com> wrote:
>> Hello Isaku,
>> Thanks for sharing this! Right now in Sahara project we think to use
>> Marconi as a mean to communicate with VM. Seems like you are familiar
>> with the discussions happened so far. If not, please see links at the
>> bottom of UnifiedGuestAgent [1] wiki page. In short we see Marconi's
>> supports for multi-tenancy as a huge advantage over other MQ
>> solutions. Our agent is network-based, so tenant isolation is a real
>> issue here. For clarity, here is the overview scheme of network based
>> agent:
>> server <-> MQ (Marconi) <-> agent
>> All communication goes over network. I've made a PoC of the Marconi
>> driver for oslo.messaging, you can find it at [2]
> I'm not familiar with Marconi, so please enlighten me first.
> How does MQ(Marconi) communicates both to management network and
> tenant network?
> Does it work with Neutron network? not nova-network.
> Neutron network isolates not only tenant networks each other,
> but also management network at L2. So openstack servers can't send
> any packets to VMs. VMs can't to openstack servers.
> This is the reason why neutron introduced HTTP proxy for instance metadata.
> It is also the reason why I choose to introduce new agent on host.
> If Marconi (or other porjects like sahara) already solved those issues,
> that's great.
>> We also considered 'hypervisor-dependent' agents (as I called them in
>> the initial thread) like the one you propose. They also provide tenant
>> isolation. But the drawback is _much_ bigger development cost and more
>> fragile and complex deployment.
>> In case of network-based agent all the code is
>>  * Marconi driver for RPC library (oslo.messaging)
>>  * thin client for server to make calls
>>  * a guest agent with thin server-side
>> If you write your agent on python, it will work on any OS with any
>> host hypervisor.
>> For hypervisor dependent-agent it becomes much more complex. You need
>> one more additional component - a proxy-agent running on Compute host,
>> which makes deployment harder. You also need to support various
>> transports for various hypervisors: virtio-serial for KVM, XenStore
>> for Xen, something for Hyper-V, etc. Moreover guest OS must have
>> driver for these transports and you will probably need to write
>> different implementation for different OSes.
>> Also you mention that in some cases a second proxy-agent is needed and
>> again in some cases only cast operations could be used. Using cast
>> only is not an option for Sahara, as we do need feedback from the
>> agent and sometimes getting the return value is the main reason to
>> make an RPC call.
>> I didn't see a discussion in Neutron on which approach to use (if it
>> was, I missed it). I see simplicity of network-based agent as a huge
>> advantage. Could you please clarify why you've picked design depending
>> on hypervisor?
> I agree those arguments.
> But I don't see how network-based agent approach works with Neutron
> network for now. Can you please elaborate on it?
> thanks,
>> Thanks,
>> Dmitry
>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UnifiedGuestAgent
>> [2] https://github.com/dmitrymex/oslo.messaging
>> 2014-04-09 12:33 GMT+04:00 Isaku Yamahata <isaku.yamah...@gmail.com>:
>> > Hello developers.
>> >
>> >
>> > As discussed many times so far[1], there are many projects that needs
>> > to propagate RPC messages into VMs running on OpenStack. Neutron in my 
>> > case.
>> >
>> > My idea is to relay RPC messages from management network into tenant
>> > network over file-like object. By file-like object, I mean virtio-serial,
>> > unix domain socket, unix pipe and so on.
>> > I've wrote some code based on oslo.messaging[2][3] and a documentation
>> > on use cases.[4][5]
>> > Only file-like transport and proxying messages would be in oslo.messaging
>> > and agent side code wouldn't be a part of oslo.messaging.
>> >
>> >
>> > use cases:([5] for more figures)
>> > file-like object: virtio-serial, unix domain socket, unix pipe
>> >
>> >   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-virtio serial-> guest agent in VM
>> >                       per VM
>> >
>> >   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-unix socket/pipe->
>> >              agent in tenant network <-> guest agent in VM
>> >
>> >
>> > So far there are security concerns to forward oslo.messaging from 
>> > management
>> > network into tenant network. One approach is to allow only cast-RPC from
>> > server to guest agent in VM so that guest agent in VM only receives 
>> > messages
>> > and can't send anything to servers. With unix pipe, it's write-only
>> > for server, read-only for guest agent.
>> >
>> >
>> > Thoughts? comments?
>> >
>> >
>> > Details of Neutron NFV use case[6]:
>> > Neutron services so far typically runs agents in host, the host agent
>> > in host receives RPCs from neutron server, then it executes necessary
>> > operations. Sometimes the agent in host issues RPC to neutron server
>> > periodically.(e.g. status report etc)
>> > It's desirable to make such services virtualized as Network Function
>> > Virtualizaton(NFV), i.e. make those features run in VMs. So it's quite
>> > natural approach to propagate those RPC message into agents into VMs.
>> >
>> >
>> > [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/UnifiedGuestAgent
>> > [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77862/
>> > [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/77863/
>> > [4] 
>> > https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo.messaging/+spec/message-proxy-server
>> > [5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/blueprints/message-proxy-server
>> > [6] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/adv-services-in-vms
>> > --
>> > Isaku Yamahata <isaku.yamah...@gmail.com>
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> Isaku Yamahata <isaku.yamah...@gmail.com>
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