On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 05:33:49PM +0900, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
> Hello developers.
> As discussed many times so far[1], there are many projects that needs
> to propagate RPC messages into VMs running on OpenStack. Neutron in my case.
> My idea is to relay RPC messages from management network into tenant
> network over file-like object. By file-like object, I mean virtio-serial,
> unix domain socket, unix pipe and so on.
> I've wrote some code based on oslo.messaging[2][3] and a documentation
> on use cases.[4][5]
> Only file-like transport and proxying messages would be in oslo.messaging
> and agent side code wouldn't be a part of oslo.messaging.
> use cases:([5] for more figures)
> file-like object: virtio-serial, unix domain socket, unix pipe
>   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-virtio serial-> guest agent in VM
>                       per VM
>   server <-> AMQP <-> agent in host <-unix socket/pipe->
>              agent in tenant network <-> guest agent in VM
> So far there are security concerns to forward oslo.messaging from management
> network into tenant network. One approach is to allow only cast-RPC from
> server to guest agent in VM so that guest agent in VM only receives messages
> and can't send anything to servers. With unix pipe, it's write-only
> for server, read-only for guest agent.
> Thoughts? comments?

I'm still somewhat aprehensive about the idea of just proxying arbitrary
data betwetween host & guest agent at the message bus protocol level.
I'd tend to be more comfortable with some that going through the virt
driver API in the compute node.

Also, how are you proposing to deal with live migration of VMs ? The
virtio serial channel can get closed due to QEMU migrating while the
proxy is in the middle of sending data to the guest VM, potentially
causing a lost or mangled message in the guest and the sender won't
know this if this channel write-only since there's no ACK.

> Details of Neutron NFV use case[6]:
> Neutron services so far typically runs agents in host, the host agent
> in host receives RPCs from neutron server, then it executes necessary
> operations. Sometimes the agent in host issues RPC to neutron server
> periodically.(e.g. status report etc)
> It's desirable to make such services virtualized as Network Function
> Virtualizaton(NFV), i.e. make those features run in VMs. So it's quite
> natural approach to propagate those RPC message into agents into VMs.

What sort of things are you expecting the guest agent todo for Neutron ?
You have to bear in mind that the guest OS is 100% untrusted from the
hosts POV, so anything that Neutron asks the guest agent todo can be
completely ignored, or manipulated in any way the guest OS decides to.
Similarly, if there were a feedback channel, any data the Neutron might
receive back from the guest agent has to be considered untrustworthy,
so should not be used to make functional decisions in Neutron.

|: http://berrange.com      -o-    http://www.flickr.com/photos/dberrange/ :|
|: http://libvirt.org              -o-             http://virt-manager.org :|
|: http://autobuild.org       -o-         http://search.cpan.org/~danberr/ :|
|: http://entangle-photo.org       -o-       http://live.gnome.org/gtk-vnc :|

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