
I'd like to announce my candidacy for re-election to the TC.

About Me

I am the PTL for the OpenStack Infrastructure Program, which I have been
helping to build for nearly three years.  I also served on the TC during
the Icehouse cycle.

I am responsible for a significant portion of our project infrastructure
and developer workflow.  I set up gerrit, helped write git-review, and
moved all of the OpenStack projects from bazaar to git.  All of that is
to say that I've given a lot of thought and action to helping scale
OpenStack to the number of projects and developers it has today.

I also wrote zuul, nodepool, and devstack-gate to make sure that we are
able to test all components of the project on every commit.  There are a
lot of moving parts in OpenStack and I strongly believe that at the end
of the day they need to work together as a cohesive whole.  A good deal
of my technical work is focused on achieving that.

Throughout my time working on OpenStack I have always put the needs of
the whole project first, above those of any individual contributor,
organization, or program.  I also believe in the values we have
established as a project: open source, design, development, and
community.  To that end, I have worked hard to ensure that the project
infrastructure is run just like an OpenStack project, using the same
tools and processes, and I think we've succeeding in creating one of the
most open operational project infrastructures ever.

My Platform

An important shift has taken place since the convening of the first
all-elected TC.  I am proud of what we have done to address important
issues of consistency and quality that affect all of the projects.

As we continue to add new projects and programs (at a measured pace),
the role of the TC will need to continue to evolve to provide
coordination and leadership in cross-project issues.  We have made a lot
of progress on raising our expectations around testing, and there is
more to do there.  The TC also has a role in improving user and operator
experience by facilitating cross-project standards.

Recently, the TC has begun to work with the Board of Directors on issues
that concern us both.  The trademark issue is particularly important --
it is no less than our identity as a project.  To me, the question is,
"what is the OpenStack community working to produce?"  I believe that
software derived from OpenStack with limited and reasonable
modifications should be able to use the OpenStack trademark.  However, I
do not believe our intent is to produce a crippled, open-core product.
We are building one of the most significant open source systems and it
is important that our name continue to stand for that.  I think the
careful progress that the TC and Board have been making in this area
will ultimately reflect that.

I believe that the TC has been doing good work and is heading in the
right direction for the project.  I would love to continue to help it do
so and would appreciate your vote.



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