On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Robert Collins
<robe...@robertcollins.net> wrote:

>> * a mid cycle meetup. I think the Icehouse meetup was a great success,
>> and I'd like to see us do this again in Juno. I'd also like to get the
>> location and venue nailed down as early as possible, so that people
>> who have complex travel approval processes have a chance to get travel
>> sorted out. I think its pretty much a foregone conclusion this meetup
>> will be somewhere in the continental US. If you're interested in
>> hosting a meetup in approximately August, please mail me privately so
>> we can chat.
> Redhat offered to host the next TripleO midcycle meetup in Raleigh, I
> don't know if they have space for Nova & TripleO at once, but I'd love
> to get more collaboration time betwixt Nova and TripleO. The TripleO
> midcycle meetups are 'doing' meetings, not planning meetings - but
> plenty of planning does still happen ;)
> Date wise, how about before OSCON ? PyConAU which often gets a heavy
> openstack contingent is august 1-5.

I started building an etherpad to show clashes and possible weeks. Its at:


The biggest problem is that I don't know the dates for the milestones
in the Juno release yet, so I don't know how to align with those. I'd
be interested in crowd sourcing a list of possible clashes so that I
don't have to guess what conferences attendees go to.

The problem with July is that its very close to the summit (six weeks
gap), and that feels like we might not have had enough time to get
into the real meat of the release. Again though, I'd rather we get a
consensus here instead of dictating.


Rackspace Australia

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