On 16 April 2014 11:28, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Hugh O. Brock <hbr...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 09:30:45AM +1200, Robert Collins wrote:
>>> Redhat offered to host the next TripleO midcycle meetup in Raleigh, I
>>> don't know if they have space for Nova & TripleO at once, but I'd love
>>> to get more collaboration time betwixt Nova and TripleO. The TripleO
>>> midcycle meetups are 'doing' meetings, not planning meetings - but
>>> plenty of planning does still happen ;)
>>> Date wise, how about before OSCON ? PyConAU which often gets a heavy
>>> openstack contingent is august 1-5.
>> I am sure we have enough space, we would be very happy to host both at
>> the same time.
> I envision "at the same time" being "back to back" to be honest, as I
> think running two in parallel would be a bit bonkers.

I can't travel for a single 2 week trip - my daughter doesn't cope
super well with me being gone, and I don't want to subject her to a 2
week trip. Doing a 2-or-3 day meetup for TripleO is pointless IMO -
folk spend a day getting there in the first place.

Last cycle TripleO and Ironic co-located and it was productive for all involved.

> I'm now sitting on a list of about four or five offered venues, with
> no plan for how to select which one to use. Perhaps what we should do
> is pick the dates, then ask each venue if they're available in that
> window, and then come up with some way to select from the remaining
> venues.
> I deeply appreciate all the offers of hosting -- its a great way for
> companies to contribute to OpenStack, and makes a real difference to
> our ability to deliver great software. Perhaps what we should do with
> the venues that offer and don't get selected is keep them on a list of
> venues to use for future meetups? That will make those meetups easier
> to organise, and recognises the kind offers from the venues.

Not a bad idea ;)


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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