
I have gotten questions from our driver developers asking for details
regarding the move to using cinder-specs for proposing Blueprints.  I
brought this topic up in today's Cinder Weekly Meeting, but the meeting
was lightly attended so we decided to move the discussion here.

I am going to put this note in the form of 'question' and proposed
answer based on the brief discussion we had today.  Note that the
answers here are based on the assumption that we want to keep Cinder's
use of 'specs' as close to Nova's as possible.  I used the following
mailing list thread as a starting point for some of these answers:

Q: When is a spec approved?
A:  When it receives a +2 from the PTL and at least one other Core

Q: How long are specs valid for?
A: For the duration of the release cycle.  Any specs that are not
approved during that period of type will need to be resubmitted for the
subsequent release.

Q: What will the spec template look like?
A: This is one of the points I would like to discuss.  The Nova template
currently looks like this:
Do we want to follow the same template.  In the interest of staying in
sync with Nova's implementation I would say yes, but does this meet our
needs?  Are there other/different fields we want to consider to help for
instances where the Blueprint is for a new driver or change to a driver?
I think we might need, for instance, a 'Drivers Impacted' field.

Q: Will driver developers have to use the same template for functions in
their drivers?
A: Also a point I would like to discuss.  Developers had asked if a more
limited template would be used for changes going into the developer's
driver.  At first I thought maybe a different template for Blueprints
against a driver might be appropriate, but after looking more closely at
Nova's template perhaps that is not necessary.  I would lean towards
keeping one template, but maybe not requiring all fields depending on
what our final template ends up looking like.  

Q: Where do specs for python-cinderclient go?
A: Looks like Nova has added a python-novaclient directory.  I don't
think we would need a separate python-cinderclient-specs repository but
don't have a strong opinion on this point.

I am sure this is not an exhaustive list of questions/answers at this
point in time but I wanted to start the discussion so we could help move
this process forward.  I look forward to your feedback.

-Jay Bryant
Freenode:  jungleboyj

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