I forgot to include a link explaining our cloud:



Excerpts from Clint Byrum's message of 2014-05-22 15:24:05 -0700:
> Ahoy there, TripleO interested parties. In the last few months, we've
> gotten a relatively robust, though not nearly complete, CI system for
> TripleO. It is a bit unorthodox, as we have a strong desire to ensure
> PXE booting works, and that requires us running in our own cloud.
> We have this working, in two regions of TripleO deployed clouds which
> we manage ourselves. We've had quite a few issues, mostly hardware
> related, and some related to the fact that TripleO doesn't have HA yet,
> so our CI clouds go down whenever our controllers go down.
> Anyway, Derek Higgins, Dan Prince, Robert Collins, and myself, have been
> doing most of the heavy lifting on this. As a result, CI is not up and
> working all that often. It needs more operational support.
> So, I would encourage anyone interested in TripleO development to start
> working with us to maintain these two cloud regions (hopefully more
> regions will come up soon) so that we can keep CI flowing and expand
> coverage to include even more of TripleO.
> Thank you!

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