Latest outage was due to nodepool having a stuck TCP connection to the
HP1 region again.

I've filed
about it. If someone were to pick this up and run with it it would be
super useful.


On 24 May 2014 05:01, Clint Byrum <> wrote:
> I forgot to include a link explaining our cloud:
> Thanks!
> Excerpts from Clint Byrum's message of 2014-05-22 15:24:05 -0700:
>> Ahoy there, TripleO interested parties. In the last few months, we've
>> gotten a relatively robust, though not nearly complete, CI system for
>> TripleO. It is a bit unorthodox, as we have a strong desire to ensure
>> PXE booting works, and that requires us running in our own cloud.
>> We have this working, in two regions of TripleO deployed clouds which
>> we manage ourselves. We've had quite a few issues, mostly hardware
>> related, and some related to the fact that TripleO doesn't have HA yet,
>> so our CI clouds go down whenever our controllers go down.
>> Anyway, Derek Higgins, Dan Prince, Robert Collins, and myself, have been
>> doing most of the heavy lifting on this. As a result, CI is not up and
>> working all that often. It needs more operational support.
>> So, I would encourage anyone interested in TripleO development to start
>> working with us to maintain these two cloud regions (hopefully more
>> regions will come up soon) so that we can keep CI flowing and expand
>> coverage to include even more of TripleO.
>> Thank you!
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Robert Collins <>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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