On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Armando M. <arma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> Thanks for sending this out, comments inline.
Indeed, thanks Gary!

> On 29 June 2014 00:15, Gary Kotton <gkot...@vmware.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> At the moment there are a number of different BP’s that are proposed to
>> enable different VMware network management solutions. The following specs
>> are in review:
>> VMware NSX-vSphere plugin: https://review.openstack.org/102720
>> Neutron mechanism driver for VMWare vCenter DVS network
>> creation:https://review.openstack.org/#/c/101124/
>> VMware dvSwitch/vSphere API support for Neutron ML2:
>> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/100810/
I've commented in these reviews about combining efforts here, I'm glad
you're taking the lead to make this happen Gary. This is much

>> In addition to this there is also talk about HP proposing some for of
>> VMware network management.
> I believe this is blueprint [1]. This was proposed a while ago, but now it
> needs to go through the new BP review process.
> [1] - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/neutron/+spec/ovsvapp-esxi-vxlan
>> Each of the above has specific use case and will enable existing vSphere
>> users to adopt and make use of Neutron.
>> Items #2 and #3 offer a use case where the user is able to leverage and
>> manage VMware DVS networks. This support will have the following
>> limitations:
>> Only VLANs are supported (there is no VXLAN support)
>> No security groups
>> #3 – the spec indicates that it will make use of pyvmomi
>> (https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi). There are a number of disclaimers here:
>> This is currently blocked regarding the integration into the requirements
>> project (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69964/)
>> The idea was to have oslo.vmware leverage this in the future
>> (https://github.com/openstack/oslo.vmware)
>> Item #1 will offer support for all of the existing Neutron API’s and there
>> functionality. This solution will require a additional component called NSX
>> (https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/nsx_pubs.html).
> It's great to see this breakdown, it's very useful in order to identify the
> potential gaps and overlaps amongst the various efforts around ESX and
> Neutron. This will also ensure a path towards a coherent code contribution.
>> It would be great if we could all align our efforts and have some clear
>> development items for the community. In order to do this I’d like suggest
>> that we meet to sync and discuss all efforts. Please let me know if the
>> following sounds ok for an initial meeting to discuss how we can move
>> forwards:
>>  - Tuesday 15:00 UTC
>>  - IRC channel #openstack-vmware
> I am available to join.
>> We can discuss the following:
>> Different proposals
>> Combining efforts
>> Setting a formal time for meetings and follow ups
>> Looking forwards to working on this stuff with the community and providing
>> a gateway to using Neutron and further enabling the adaption of OpenStack.
> I think code contribution is only one aspect of this story; my other concern
> is that from a usability standpoint we would need to provide a clear
> framework for users to understand what these solutions can do for them and
> which one to choose.
> Going forward I think it would be useful if we produced an overarching
> blueprint that outlines all the ESX options being proposed for OpenStack
> Networking (and the existing ones, like NSX - formerly known as NVP, or
> nova-network), their benefits and drawbacks, their technical dependencies,
> system requirements, API supported etc. so that a user can make an informed
> decision when looking at ESX deployments in OpenStack.
>> Thanks
>> Gary
> Cheers,
> Armando
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