FWIW, I'm a firm believer in progress over perfection and although I
comment on the form, I try to score on the function.

I really like this phrase, comment on the form, score on the function.

Lately I've been trying to be very specific about things I'm pointing out that are potentially a learning experience ("This could be shortened into self.foo = foo or None"), things that aren't a problem but the author might want to take into account ("Consider..."), or those that are actually problematic and would warrant a -1.

I've found in the past that it's good to step back every so often and reorient myself. Thanks Tomas for the write up.

I'll get better at
commenting to this effect, especially so if my nitpicking gains the
weight of core.

I love English and believe careful use is a great benefit, particularly
in dense technical documents. You're entirely correct that this
shouldn't be allowed to noticeably impede progress though.


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