On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 12:30:19PM +0100, John Garbutt wrote:
> On 10 July 2014 16:52, Matthew Booth <mbo...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > Currently we create a rescue instance by creating a new VM with the
> > original instance's image, then adding the original instance's first
> > disk to it, and booting. This means we have 2 VMs, which we need to be
> > careful of when cleaning up. Also when suspending, and probably other
> > edge cases. We also don't support:
> >
> > * Rescue images other than the instance's creation image
> > * Rescue of an instance which wasn't created from an image
> > * Access to cinder volumes from a rescue instance
> >
> > I've created a dirty hack which, instead of creating a new VM, attaches
> > the given rescue image to the VM and boots from it:
> >
> > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/106078/
> I do worry about different drivers having such radically different
> implementation approaches.
> Currently rescue only attaches the root disk to the rescue image.
> Having a separate VM does side step having to work out where to
> reattach all the disks when you boot up the original VM, as you
> haven't modified that. But there are plans to change that here:
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova-specs/tree/specs/juno/rescue-attach-all-disks.rst
> You can now specify and image when you go into rescue mode:
> http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova-specs/tree/specs/juno/allow-image-to-be-specified-during-rescue.rst
> I guess the rescue image could technically change how the VM boots, or
> what hardware it has attached, so you might end up making so many
> "tweaks" to the original VM that you might want to just create a new
> VM, then through way those changes when you restore the original VM.
> It feels a lot like we need to better understand the use cases for
> this feature, and work out what we need in the long term.
> > Does this seem a reasonable way to go?
> Maybe, but I am not totally keen on making it such a different
> implementation to all the other drivers. Mostly for the sake of people
> who might run two hypervisors in their cloud, or people who support
> customers running various hypervisors.

My view is that rescue mode should have as few differences from
normal mode as possible. Ideally the exact same VM configuration
would be used, with the exception that you add in one extra disk
and set the BIOS to boot of that new disk.  The spec you mention
above gets us closer to that in libvirt, but it still has the
problem that it re-shuffles the disk order. To fix this I think
we need to change the rescue image disk so that isntead of being
a virtio-blk or IDE disk, it is a hotplugged USB disk and make
the BIOS boot from this USB disk. That way none of the existing
disk attachments will change in any way. This would also feel
more like the way a physical machine would be rescued where you
would typically insert a bootable CDROM or a rescue USB stick

So in that sense I think that Matt suggests for VMWare is good
because it gets the vmware driver moving in the right direction.
I'd encourage them to also follow that libvirt blueprint and
ensure all disks are attached.

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