On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Duncan Thomas <duncan.tho...@gmail.com>

> On 13 August 2014 13:57, Matthew Treinish <mtrein...@kortar.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 01:45:17AM +0400, Boris Pavlovic wrote:
> >> Keystone, Glance, Cinder, Neutron and Heat are running rally performance
> >> jobs, that can be used for performance testing, benchmarking, regression
> >> testing (already now). These jobs supports in-tree plugins for all
> >> components (scenarios, load generators, benchmark context) and they can
> use
> >> Rally fully without interaction with Rally team at all. More about these
> >> jobs:
> >>
> https://docs.google.com/a/mirantis.com/document/d/1s93IBuyx24dM3SmPcboBp7N47RQedT8u4AJPgOHp9-A/
> >> So I really don't see anything like this in tempest (even in observed
> >> future)
> > So this is actually the communication problem I mentioned before.
> Singling out
> > individual projects and getting them to add a rally job is not "cross
> project"
> > communication. (this is part of what I meant by "push using Rally")
> There was no
> > larger discussion on the ML or a topic in the project meeting about
> adding these
> > jobs. There was no discussion about the value vs risk of adding new jobs
> to the
> > gate. Also, this is why less than half of the integrated projects have
> these
> > jobs. Having asymmetry like this between gating workloads on projects
> helps no
> > one.
> So the advantage of the approach, rather than having a massive
> cross-product discussion, is that interested projects (I've been very
> interested for a cinder core PoV) act as a test bed for other
> projects. 'Cross project' discussions rather come to other teams, they
> rely on people to find them, where as Boris came to us, said I've got
> this thing you might like, try it out, tell me what you want. He took
> feedback, iterated fast and investigated bugs. It has been a genuine
> pleasure to work with him, and I feel we made progress faster than we
> would have done if it was trying to please everybody.
> > That being said the reason I think osprofiler has been more accepted and
> it's
> > adoption into oslo is not nearly as contentious is because it's an
> independent
> > library that has value outside of itself. You don't need to pull in a
> monolithic
> > stack to use it. Which is a design point more conducive with the rest of
> > OpenStack.
> Sorry, are you suggesting tempest isn't a giant monolithic thing?
> Because I was able to comprehend the rally code very quickly, that
> isn't even slightly true of tempest. Having one simple tool that does
> one thing well is exactly what rally has tried to do - tempest seems
> to want to be five different things at once (CI, instalation tests,
> trademark, preformance, stress testing, ...)
> >> Matt, Sean - seriously community is about convincing people, not about
> >> forcing people to do something against their wiliness.  You are making
> huge
> >> architectural decisions without deep knowledge about what is Rally, what
> >> are use cases, road map, goals and auditory.
> >>
> >> IMHO community in my opinion is thing about convincing people. So QA
> >> program should convince Rally team (at least me) to do such changes. Key
> >> secret to convince me, is to say how this will help OpenStack to perform
> >> better.
> >
> > If community, per your definition, is about convincing people then there
> needs
> > to be a 2-way discussion. This is an especially key point considering the
> > feedback on this thread is basically the same feedback you've been
> getting since
> > you first announced Rally on the ML. [1] (and from even before that I
> think, but
> > it's hard to remember all the details from that far back)  I'm afraid
> that
> > without a shared willingness to explore what we're suggesting because of
> > preconceived notions then I fail to see the point in moving forward. The
> fact
> > that this feedback has been ignored is why this discussion has come up
> at all.
> >
> >>
> >> Currently Rally team see a lot of issues related to this decision:
> >>
> >> 1) It breaks already existing performance jobs (Heat, Glance, Cinder,
> >> Neutron, Keystone)
> >
> > So firstly, I want to say I find these jobs troubling. Not just from the
> fact
> > that because of the nature of the gate (2nd level virt on public clouds)
> the
> > variability between jobs can be staggering. I can't imagine what value
> there is
> > in running synthetic benchmarks in this environment. It would only
> reliably
> > catch the most egregious of regressions. Also from what I can tell none
> of these
> > jobs actually compare the timing data to the previous results, it just
> generates
> > the data and makes a pretty graph. The burden appears to be on the user
> to
> > figure out what it means, which really isn't that useful. How have these
> jobs
> > actually helped? IMO the real value in performance testing in the gate
> is to
> > capture the longer term trends in the data. Which is something these
> jobs are
> > not doing.
> So I put in a change to dump out the raw data from each run into a
> zipped json file so that I can start looking at the value of
> collecting this data.... As an experiment I think it is very worth
> while. The gate job is none voting, and apparently, at least on the
> cinder front, highly reliable. The job runs fast enough it isn't
> slowing the gate down - we aren't running out of nodes on the gate as
> far as I can tell, so I don't understand the hostility towards it.
> We'll run it for a bit, see if it proves useful, if it doesn't then we
> can turn it off and try something else.

We actually run out of nodes almost every day now (except weekends), we
have about 800 nodes, and hit that quota most days [0][1].

While the output of the rally job [2] is very impressive, with our
constrained number of nodes, I am still struggling to grok the value of
running this job on every patch.




> I'm confused by the hostility about this gate job - it is costing us
> nothing, if it turns out to be a pain we'll turn it off.
> Rally as a general tool has enabled me do do things that I wouldn't
> even consider trying with tempest. There shouldn't be a problem with a
> small number of parallel efforts - that's a founding principle of
> opensource in general.
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