On 08/14/2014 03:38 PM, Russell Bryant wrote:
> On 08/14/2014 09:21 AM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
>> On Aug 14, 2014 2:04 AM, "Eoghan Glynn" <egl...@redhat.com
>> <mailto:egl...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Letting the industry field-test a project and feed their experience
>>>>>> back into the community is a slow process, but that is the best
>>>>>> measure of a project's success. I seem to recall this being an
>>>>>> implicit expectation a few years ago, but haven't seen it
>> discussed in
>>>>>> a while.
>>>>> I think I recall us discussing a "must have feedback that it's
>>>>> successfully deployed" requirement in the last cycle, but we
>> recognized
>>>>> that deployers often wait until a project is integrated.
>>>> In the early discussions about incubation, we respected the need to
>>>> officially recognize a project as part of OpenStack just to create the
>>>> uptick in adoption necessary to mature projects. Similarly,
>> integration is a
>>>> recognition of the maturity of a project, but I think we have graduated
>>>> several projects long before they actually reached that level of
>> maturity.
>>>> Actually running a project at scale for a period of time is the only
>> way to
>>>> know it is mature enough to run it in production at scale.
>>>> I'm just going to toss this out there. What if we set the graduation
>> bar to
>>>> "is in production in at least two sizeable clouds" (note that I'm
>> not saying
>>>> "public clouds"). Trove is the only project that has, to my
>> knowledge, met
>>>> that bar prior to graduation, and it's the only project that
>> graduated since
>>>> Havana that I can, off hand, point at as clearly successful. Heat and
>>>> Ceilometer both graduated prior to being in production; a few cycles
>> later,
>>>> they're still having adoption problems and looking at large
>> architectural
>>>> changes. I think the added cost to OpenStack when we integrate
>> immature or
>>>> unstable projects is significant enough at this point to justify a more
>>>> defensive posture.
>>>> FWIW, Ironic currently doesn't meet that bar either - it's in
>> production in
>>>> only one public cloud. I'm not aware of large private installations yet,
>>>> though I suspect there are some large private deployments being spun up
>>>> right now, planning to hit production with the Juno release.
>>> We have some hard data from the user survey presented at the Juno summit,
>>> with respectively 26 & 53 production deployments of Heat and Ceilometer
>>> reported.
>>> There's no cross-referencing of deployment size with services in
>> production
>>> in those data presented, though it may be possible to mine that out of the
>>> raw survey responses.
>> Indeed, and while that would be useful information, I was referring to
>> the deployment of those services at scale prior to graduation, not post
>> graduation.
> We have a tough messaging problem here though.  I suspect many users
> wait until graduation to consider a real deployment.  "Incubated" is
> viewed as immature / WIP / etc.  That won't change quickly, even if we
> want it to.

Do we need a new stage for projects? A stage that means the project is
mature enough to be deployed but it's making its way into integrated

It's probably a terrible idea but I still wanted to throw it out there
since depending on the stage of the incubation process the project may
be immature or production-ready. The former is usually true at the
beginning of the incubation process, the later at the end.

The way I read our projects stages is (which doesn't seem to be the same
for everyone):

Not Incubated:

* Immature
* Project Design
* Meeting incubation requirements
* Etc

* Mature enough for production
* Integrating with OpenStack's CI
* Integrating with OpenStack's community
* Meeting graduation requirements

* Well, integrated...

> I think our intentions are already to not graduate something that isn't
> ready for production.  That doesn't mean we haven't made mistakes, but
> we're trying to learn and improve.  We developed a set of *written*
> guidelines to stick to, and have been holding all projects up to them.
> Teams like Ceilometer have been very receptive to the process, have
> developed plans to fill gaps, and have been working hard on the issues.
> A hard rule for production deployments seems like a heavy rule.  I'd
> rather just say that we should be confident that it's a production ready
> component, and known deployments are one such piece of input that would
> provide that confidence.  It could also just be extraordinary testing
> that shows both scale and quality.

+1, we can't force people to deploy a non-integrated project and we
shouldn't hold all incubated projects on that.


Flavio Percoco

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