Excerpts from Flavio Percoco's message of 2014-09-04 02:11:15 -0700:
> Hey Clint,
> Thanks for reading, some comments in-line:
> On 09/04/2014 10:30 AM, Clint Byrum wrote:
> > Excerpts from Flavio Percoco's message of 2014-09-04 00:08:47 -0700:
> [snip]
> >> - Concern on should we really reinvent a queue system rather than
> >> piggyback on one
> >>
> >> As mentioned in the meeting on Tuesday, Zaqar is not reinventing message
> >> brokers. Zaqar provides a service akin to SQS from AWS with an OpenStack
> >> flavor on top. [0]
> >>
> > 
> > I think Zaqar is more like SMTP and IMAP than AMQP. You're not really
> > trying to connect two processes in real time. You're trying to do fully
> > asynchronous messaging with fully randomized access to any message.
> > 
> > Perhaps somebody should explore whether the approaches taken by large
> > scale IMAP providers could be applied to Zaqar.
> > 
> > Anyway, I can't imagine writing a system to intentionally use the
> > semantics of IMAP and SMTP. I'd be very interested in seeing actual use
> > cases for it, apologies if those have been posted before.
> > 
> >> Some things that differentiate Zaqar from SQS is it's capability for
> >> supporting different protocols without sacrificing multi-tenantcy and
> >> other intrinsic features it provides. Some protocols you may consider
> >> for Zaqar are: STOMP, MQTT.
> >>
> >> As far as the backend goes, Zaqar is not re-inventing it either. It sits
> >> on top of existing storage technologies that have proven to be fast and
> >> reliable for this task. The choice of using NoSQL technologies has a lot
> >> to do with this particular thing and the fact that Zaqar needs a storage
> >> capable of scaling, replicating and good support for failover.
> >>
> > 
> > What's odd to me is that other systems like Cassandra and Riak are not
> > being discussed. There are well documented large scale message storage
> > systems on both, and neither is encumbered by the same licensing FUD
> > as MongoDB.
> FWIW, they both have been discussed. As far as Cassandra goes, we raised
> the red flag after reading reading this post[0]. The post itself may be
> obsolete already but I don't think I have enough knowledge about
> Cassandra to actually figure this out. Some folks have come to us asking
> for a Cassandra driver and they were interested in contributing/working
> on one. I really hope that will happen someday, although it'll certainly
> happen as an external driver. Riak, on the other hand, was certainly a
> good candidate. What made us go with MongoDB and Redis is they're both
> good for the job, they are both likely already deployed in OpenStack
> clouds and we have enough knowledge to provide support and maintenance
> for both drivers.

It seems like Cassandra is good for when you're going to be writing all
the time but only reading once. I would agree that this makes it less
attractive for a generalized messaging platform, since you won't know
how users will consume the messages, and if they are constantly
reading then you'll have terrible performance.

> >> # Use Cases
> >>
> >> In addition to the aforementioned concerns and comments, I also would
> >> like to share an etherpad that contains some use cases that other
> >> integrated projects have for Zaqar[0]. The list is not exhaustive and
> >> it'll contain more information before the next meeting.
> >>
> >> [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/zaqar-integrated-projects-use-cases
> >>
> > 
> > Just taking a look, there are two basic applications needed:
> > 
> > 1) An inbox. Horizon wants to know when snapshots are done. Heat wants
> > to know what happened during a stack action. Etc.
> > 
> > 2) A user-focused message queue. Heat wants to push data to agents.
> > Swift wants to synchronize processes when things happen.
> > 
> > To me, #1 is Zaqar as it is today. #2 is the one that I worry may not
> > be served best by bending #1 onto it.
> Push semantics are being developed. We've had enough discussions that
> have helped preparing the ground for it. However, I believe both use
> cases could be covered by Zaqar as-is.
> Could you elaborate a bit more on #2? Especially on why you think Zaqar
> as is can't serve this specific case?

The difference between 1 and 2 is that 2 is a true queueing problem. The
message should go away when it has been consumed, and the volume may be
rather high. With 1, you have a storage problem, and a database makes a
lot more sense. If users can stick to type 2 problems, they'll be able
to stay much more lightweight because they won't need a large data store
that supports random access.

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