
My name is Amit Gandhi. A few months ago (just before the Atlanta Summit)
our team started to seek partners who shared an interest in building a
vendor-neutral and open API that leverages existing CDN providers in an
open source friendly way.

OpenStack operators have many choices when incorporating a Content
Delivery Network (CDN) into their infrastructure -- the CDN marketplace
has both tried-and-true vendors and up-and-coming upstarts with innovative
new features.

But these vendors often have highly-customized and proprietary
provisioning APIs. This can be problematic when an operator wishes to
support multiple providers -- or swap out one vendor for another. And
these challenges spill over to developers who become forced into codifying
the CDN instructions for multiple vendors into their applications.

Poppy aims to solve these challenges. Written as a modular,
vendor-neutral API, Poppy incorporates a driver-based approach (similar to
Cinder and Manilla) that allows multiple CDN providers to integrate via a
consistent API. Application developers can write their code once, and
Poppy will handle all the requisite translations behind-the-scenes.
- See more at:

To date, we have garnered interest from multiple CDN vendors in the
industry, such as Akamai, Fastly, and MaxCDN. We have started building
provider extensions for Fastly, MaxCDN, and Amazon CloudFront. Soon we
will start on an Akamai provider extension.

Together, we have begun implementing the building blocks of the
provisioning API, named Poppy. It is available on Stackforge
( We are still in the very early
stages of development on the project.

The Poppy team meets every Thursday at 2pm Eastern Time on
#openstack-meeting-alt (
We also hang out on the #openstack-poppy channel on Freenode.

We are looking for collaborators from the community to join in this effort
and help guide the design and implementation of this exciting new CDN
provisioning API.

Please feel free to reach out to me or the team on IRC if you have any
questions, and/or are interested in working with us.


Amit Gandhi
Senior Manager - Rackspace.

IRC: amitgandhinz on Freenode

Useful Links:



On 4/16/14, 11:36 AM, "Amit Gandhi" <> wrote:

>Our team is currently seeking partners who share an interest and
>enthusiasm for exploring the possibility of Content Delivery Network (CDN)
>capabilities within the open ecosystem. Our desire is to create a unified
>and open API that leverages existing CDN providers in an open
>source-friendly way.
>Today, there are a large number of CDN providers who offer similar CDN
>capabilities with widely-differing APIs. Applications built around these
>current CDN offerings are usually locked into that vendor.  Changing a CDN
>provider typically requires significant software and operational changes
>on the part of the application developer.
>We would like to start a dialog with other organizations and individuals
>in the community that would like to work together to solve this common
>problem.  We would like to identify the community needs and flesh out the
>features of an open CDN API that supports multiple CDN providers.
>Together, we can build an offering that helps remove vendor lock in to
>existing CDN providers.
>When the time is right, this team of interested parties can determine
>where this project should live (e.g. OpenStack), or find the ecosystem
>that makes the most sense.
>We are looking for contributors from the community.  Please contact me
>directly for an initial conversation on your needs and interest.  I will
>then set up a community brainstorming session on IRC and we can also
>discuss it at the Atlanta OpenStack Summit.
>Amit Gandhi
>Rackspace ­ Atlanta

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