On 09/22/2014 09:25 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> On Sep 22, 2014, at 12:19 PM, Gordon Sim <g...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 09/22/2014 03:40 PM, Geoff O'Callaghan wrote:
>>> That being said I'm not sure why a well constructed zaqar with an rpc
>>> interface couldn't meet the requirements of oslo.messsaging and much more.
>> What Zaqar is today and what it might become may of course be different 
>> things but as it stands today, Zaqar relies on polling which in my opinion 
>> is not a natural fit for RPC[1]. Though using an intermediary for 
>> routing/addressing can be of benefit, store and forward is not necessary and 
>> in my opinion even gets in the way[2].
>> Notifications on the other hand can benefit from store and forward and may 
>> be less latency sensitive, alleviating the polling concerns.
>> One of the use cases I've heard cited for Zaqar is as an inbox for recording 
>> certain sets of relevant events sent out by other open stack services. In my 
>> opinion using oslo.messaging's notification API on the openstack service 
>> side of this would seem - to me at least - quite sensible, even if the 
>> events are then stored in (or forwarded to) Zaqar and accessed by users 
>> through Zaqar's own protocol.
> I agree that the notification features of oslo.messaging are more likely to 
> be useful through Zaqar than the RPC API. Our internal notifications may 
> include information we wouldn’t want to leak outside of a cloud, but a 
> notification driver for oslo.messaging that talked to Zaqar and took into 
> account tenant-based addressing in some way might make a lot of sense.

I won't get into much detail on this right now but I agree and it was
discussed already - at the Juno summit, I believe.


> Doug
>> ----
>> [1] The latency of an RPC call as perceived by the client is going to depend 
>> heavily on the polling frequency; to get lower latency, you'll need to pool 
>> more frequently both on the server and on the client. However polling more 
>> frequently results in increased load even when no requests are being made.
>> [2] I am of the view that reliable RPC is best handled by replaying the 
>> request from the client when needed, rather than trying to make the request 
>> and reply messages durably recorded, replicated and reliably delivered. 
>> Doing so is more scalable and simpler. An end-to-end acknowledgement for the 
>> request (rather than a broker taking responsibility and acknowledging the 
>> request independent of delivery status) makes it easier to detect failures 
>> and trigger a resend.
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