On 09/30/2014 06:32 AM, Ryan Hallisey wrote:
Hi all,

The blueprints have been setup for Kolla: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla

Currently, there are blueprints for all of the openstack services and a few 
supporting services.
They are, nova, swift, cinder, neutron, horizon, keystone, glance, ceilometer, 
heat, trove,
zaqar, sahara, mysql, and rabbitmq.

Feel free to take ownership of a service!

Ryan Hallisey


I've done a first round of prioritization. I think key things we need people to step up for are nova and rabbitmq containers.

For the developers, please take a moment to pick a specific blueprint to work on. If your already working on something, this hsould help to prevent duplicate work :)


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