Hi Mike,

Great stuff! Fixing the mess with transactions and their scope is
probably one of the most important tasks for us, IMO. I look forward
for this to be implemented in oslo.db and consuming projects!


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Mike Bayer <mba...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi all -
> I’ve drafted up my next brilliant idea for how to get Openstack projects to 
> use SQLAlchemy more effectively.   The proposal here establishes significant 
> detail on what’s wrong with the current state of things, e.g. the way I see 
> EngineFacade, get_session() and get_engine() being used, and proposes a new 
> system that provides a true facade around a managed context.   But of course, 
> it requires that you all change your code!  (a little bit).  Based on just a 
> few tiny conversations on IRC so far, seems like this might be a hard sell.  
> But please note, most projects are pretty much broken in how they use the 
> database - this proposal is just a first step to making it all non-broken, if 
> not as amazing and cool as some people wish it could be.  Unbreaking the code 
> and removing boilerplate is the first step - with sane and declarative 
> patterns in place, we can then build in more bells and whistles.
> Hoping you’re all super curious now, here it is!  Jump in:  
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125181/
> - mike
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