Some updates...

Le 11 nov. 2014 08:35, "Sylvain Bauza" <> a écrit :
> Fyi, today is Remembrance Day and a national day-off in France, so I
won't be able to attend the meeting.
> Below are a few notes.
> Le 11 nov. 2014 03:07, "Dugger, Donald D" <> a
écrit :
> >
> > 1)      Summit recap
> >
> > 2)      Status of BPs:
> >
> > a.       Isolate scheduler DB aggregates -
> >
> New iteration has been sent, reviews welcome.
> > b.      Isolate scheduler DB for instance groups -
> >
> This effort is not necessary since we merged a patch about instance group
setup in conductor. That said, there is a blueprint to write (and not a
spec) about using Instances list provided in the request spec instead of
querying Instance DB to get list of instances running on the host in all of
the filters doing that.
> > c.       Detach service from compute node -
> >
> New patchset provided yesterday. Reviews welcome.

Will rebase the implementation patch series by Wed, targeting to provide
the update by end of the week.

> > d.      Model resource objects -
> >
> Jay in on vacation this week, I don't except much progress here.
> > e.      Model request spec object -
> >
> Working on a new version for the spec, will land it by Wed. Will own the
spec and remove the dependency on resources-object.

New patchset landed.

> I'll also provide another spec for providing FilterProperties object.

Planning to do so by Wed.

> > f.        Change select_destination() to use RequestSpec object -
> >
> I'm also expecting to land a new version by Wed. IMHO, that bp is maybe
unnecessary as it's clearly just a workitem of the above bp.

New patchset landed.

> > g.       Convert virt/ get_available_resources -
> No opinion on that one.
> -Sylvain
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Don Dugger
> >
> > "Censeo Toto nos in Kansa esse decisse." - D. Gale
> >
> > Ph: 303/443-3786
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > OpenStack-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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