
I agree that upgrade is not a significant concern right now if the existing driver is not working.


I am having trouble following where you guys are currently at with this work. I would like to help get you guys up and going during Kilo.

I am concerned that maybe there is confusion about the blueprints/patches that we are all talking about here. I see this Blueprint that was accepted for Juno and appears to have an associated patch merged: [1] I also see this Blueprint that doesn't appear to be started yet: [2] So, can you help me understand what it is you are hoping to get in for Kilo?

I know that you have been concerned about CI. For new drivers we are allowing some grace period to get things working. Once we get the confusion over blueprints worked out and have some code to start reviewing we can continue to discuss that issue.

Look forward to hearing back from you!

[1] [2]

On 11/24/2014 11:53 AM, Monty Taylor wrote:
On 11/24/2014 10:14 AM, Drew Fisher wrote:

On 11/17/14 10:27 PM, Duncan Thomas wrote:
Is the new driver drop-in compatible with the old one? IF not, can
existing systems be upgraded to the new driver via some manual steps, or
is it basically a completely new driver with similar functionality?
Possibly none of my business- but if the current driver is actually just
flat broken, then upgrading from it to the new solaris ZFS driver seems
unlikely to be possibly, simply because the from case is broken.

The driver in san/ focuses entirely on iSCSI.  I don't think
existing systems can be upgraded manually but I've never really tried.
We started with a clean slate for Solaris 11 and Cinder and added local
ZFS support for single-system and demo rigs along with a fibre channel
and iSCSI drivers.

The driver is publically viewable here:

Please note that this driver is based on Havana.  We know it's old and
we're working to get it updated to Juno right now.  I can try to work
with my team to get a blueprint filed and start working on getting it
integrated into trunk.


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