On Sun, Dec 07, 2014 at 08:19:54PM +1100, Michael Still wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 7:03 PM, Gary Kotton <gkot...@vmware.com> wrote:
> > On 12/6/14, 7:42 PM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
> >>-1 on pixelbeat, since he's been active in reviews on
> >>various things AFAICT in the last 60-90 days and seems to be still a
> >>considerate reviewer in various areas.
> >
> > I agree -1 for Padraig
> I'm going to be honest and say I'm confused here.
> We've always said we expect cores to maintain an average of two
> reviews per day. That's not new, nor a rule created by me. Padraig is
> a great guy, but has been working on other things -- he's done 60
> reviews in the last 60 days -- which is about half of what we expect
> from a core.

Even that limited 60 reviews is still having a notable positive
impact to the ability of Nova core to get things done.

> Are we talking about removing the two reviews a day requirement? If
> so, how do we balance that with the widespread complaints that core
> isn't keeping up with its workload? We could add more people to core,
> but there is also a maximum practical size to the group if we're going
> to keep everyone on the same page, especially when the less active
> cores don't generally turn up to our IRC meetings and are therefore
> more "expensive" to keep up to date.
> How can we say we are doing our best to keep up with the incoming
> review workload if all reviewers aren't doing at least the minimum
> level of reviews?

How exactly is cutting more people from core helping us to keep up
with the incoming review workoad ? It just makes it worse.

The only way to mahorly help with that is to either get about 10-20
more people onto core which is unlikely, or to majorly split up the
project as I've suggested in the past, or something in between. eg
give the top 40 people in the review count list the ability to +2
things, leaving Nova core to just toggle the +A bit.

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