So I think u mean 'proprietary'?


joehuang wrote:
Hi, Jay,

Good question, see inline comments, pls.

Best Regards
Chaoyi Huang ( Joe Huang )

-----Original Message-----
From: Jay Pipes []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 1:58 AM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [all] [tc] [PTL] Cascading vs. Cells – summit 
recap and move forward

On 12/11/2014 04:02 AM, joehuang wrote:
[joehuang] The major challenge for VDF use case is cross OpenStack
networking for tenants. The tenant's VM/Volume may be allocated in
different data centers geographically, but virtual network
(L2/L3/FW/VPN/LB) should be built for each tenant automatically and
isolated between tenants. Keystone federation can help authorization
automation, but the cross OpenStack network automation challenge is
still there. Using prosperity orchestration layer can solve the
automation issue, but VDF don't like prosperity API in the
north-bound, because no ecosystem is available. And other issues, for
example, how to distribute image, also cannot be solved by Keystone

What is "prosperity orchestration layer" and "prosperity API"?

[joehuang] suppose that there are two OpenStack instances in the cloud, and 
vendor A developed an orchestration layer called CMPa (cloud management 
platform a), vendor B's orchestration layer CMPb. CMPa will define boot VM 
interface as CreateVM( Num, NameList, VMTemplate), CMPb may like to define boot 
VM interface as bootVM( Name, projectID, flavorID, volumeSize, location, 
networkID). After the customer asked more and more function to the cloud, the 
API set of CMPa will be quite different from that of CMPb, and different from 
OpenStack API. Now, all apps which consume OpenStack API like Heat, will not be 
able to run above the prosperity software CMPa/CMPb. All OpenStack API APPs 
ecosystem will be lost in the customer's cloud.

[joehuang] This is the ETSI requirement and use cases specification
for NFV. ETSI is the home of the Industry Specification Group for NFV.
In Figure 14 (virtualization of EPC) of this document, you can see
that the operator's  cloud including many data centers to provide
connection service to end user by inter-connected VNFs. The
requirements listed in
( is mainly about
the requirements from specific VNF(like IMS, SBC, MME, HSS, S/P GW
etc) to run over cloud, eg. migrate the traditional telco. APP from
prosperity hardware to cloud. Not all NFV requirements have been
covered yet. Forgive me there are so many telco terms here.

What is "prosperity hardware"?

[joehuang] For example, Huawei's IMS can only run over Huawei's ATCA hardware, 
even you bought Nokia ATCA, the IMS from Huawei will not be able to work over 
Nokia ATCA. The telco APP is sold with hardware together. (More comments on 
ETSI: ETSI is also the standard organization for GSM, 3G, 4G.)


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