Thanks for pulling this list together, Oleksii. More comments inline. -

On Wed, Mar 4, 2015, at 12:10 PM, ozamiatin wrote:
> Hi,
> By this e-mail I'd like to start a discussion about current zmq driver 
> internal design problems I've found out.
> I wish to collect here all proposals and known issues. I hope this 
> discussion will be continued on Liberty design summit.
> And hope it will drive our further zmq driver development efforts.
> ZMQ Driver issues list (I address all issues with # and references are 
> in []):
> 1. ZMQContext per socket (blocker is neutron improper usage of messaging 
> via fork) [3]

It looks like I had a question about managing backwards-compatibility on
that, and Mehdi responded that he thinks things are broken enough ZMQ
can't actually be used in production now. If that's true, then I agree
we don't need to be concerned about upgrades. Can you add a comment to
the review with your impression of the current version's suitability for
production use?

> 2. Too many different contexts.
>      We have InternalContext used for ZmqProxy, RPCContext used in 
> ZmqReactor, and ZmqListener.
>      There is also zmq.Context which is zmq API entity. We need to 
> consider a possibility to unify their usage over inheritance (maybe 
> stick to RPCContext)
>      or to hide them as internal entities in their modules (see 
> refactoring #6)
> 3. Topic related code everywhere. We have no topic entity. It is all 
> string operations.
>      We need some topics management entity and topic itself as an entity 
> (not a string).
>      It causes issues like [4], [5]. (I'm already working on it).
>      There was a spec related [7].
> 4. Manual implementation of messaging patterns.
>     Now we can observe poor usage of zmq features in zmq driver. Almost 
> everything is implemented over PUSH/PULL.
>      4.1 Manual polling - use zmq.Poller (listening and replying for 
> multiple sockets)
>      4.2 Manual request/reply implementation for call [1].
>          Using of REQ/REP (ROUTER/DEALER) socket solves many issues. A 
> lot of code may be reduced.
>      4.3 Timeouts waiting
> 5. Add possibility to work without eventlet [2]. #4.1 is also related 
> here, we can reuse many of the implemented solutions
>     like zmq.Poller over asynchronous sockets in one separate thread 
> (instead of spawning on each new socket).
>     I will update the spec [2] on that.
> 6. Put all zmq driver related stuff (matchmakers, most classes from 
> zmq_impl) into a separate package.
>     Don't keep all classes (ZmqClient, ZmqProxy, Topics management, 
> ZmqListener, ZmqSocket, ZmqReactor)
>     in one module.

The AMQP 1.0 driver work did something similar under a "protocols"
directory. It would be nice to be consistent with the existing work on
organizing driver-related files.

>      _drivers (package)
>          +--
>          +--             <- leave only ZmqDriver class here
>          +-- zmq_driver (package)
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>              ...
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>          |        +---
>              ...
> 7. Need more technical documentation on the driver like [6].
>     I'm willing to prepare a current driver architecture overview with 
> some graphics UML charts, and to continue discuss the driver
> architecture.
> Please feel free to add or to argue about any issue, I'd like to have 
> your feedback on these issues.

This looks like a good list, and I'm encouraged to see activity around
the ZMQ driver. I would like to see more participation in reviews for
the ZMQ-related specs before the summit, so we can use our time together
in person to resolve remaining issues rather than starting from scratch.


> Thanks.
> Oleksii Zamiatin
> References:
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> [6]
> [7]
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