Nobody on the operators list had any ideas on this, so re-posting here.

We've been having some issues with heat delete-stack in Juno. The issues
generally fall into three categories:

1) it takes multiple calls to heat to delete a stack. Presumably due
to heat being unable to figure out the ordering on deletion and resources
being in use.

2) undeleteable stacks. Stacks that refuse to delete, get stuck in
DELETE_FAILED state. In this case, they show up in stack-list and
stack-show, yet resource-list and stack-delete deny their existence. This
means I can't be sure whether they have any real resources very easily.

3) As a corollary to item 1, stacks for which heat can never unwind the
dependencies and stay in DELETE_IN_PROGRESS forever.

Does anyone have any work-arounds for these or recommendations on cleanup?
My main worry is removing a stack from the database that is still consuming
the customer's resources. I also don't just want to remove stacks from the
database and leave orphaned records in the DB.
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