That would be great to have plugins on the commands which are relevant to 
multiple projects… avoiding exposing all of the underlying projects as prefixes 
and getting more consistency would be very appreciated by the users.


From: Dean Troyer []
Sent: 01 September 2015 22:47
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] Command structure for OSC plugin

[late catch-up]

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Doug Hellmann 
<<>> wrote:
Excerpts from Brad P. Crochet's message of 2015-08-24 15:35:59 -0400:
> On 24/08/15 18:19 +0000, Tim Bell wrote:
> >
> >From a user perspective, where bare metal and VMs are just different flavors 
> >(with varying capabilities), can we not use the same commands (server 
> >create/rebuild/...) ? Containers will create the same conceptual problems.
> >
> >OSC can provide a converged interface but if we just replace '$ ironic XXXX' 
> >by '$ openstack baremetal XXXX', this seems to be a missed opportunity to 
> >hide the complexity from the end user.
> >
> >Can we re-use the existing server structures ?

I've wondered about how users would see doing this, we've done it already with 
the quota and limits commands (blurring the distinction between project APIs).  
At some level I am sure users really do not care about some of our project 

> To my knowledge, overriding or enhancing existing commands like that
> is not possible.

You would have to do it in tree, by making the existing commands
smart enough to talk to both nova and ironic, first to find the
server (which service knows about something with UUID XYZ?) and
then to take the appropriate action on that server using the right
client. So it could be done, but it might lose some of the nuance
between the server types by munging them into the same command. I
don't know what sorts of operations are different, but it would be
worth doing the analysis to see.

I do have an experimental plugin that hooks the server create command to add 
some options and change its behaviour so it is possible, but right now I 
wouldn't call it supported at all.  That might be something that we could 
consider doing though for things like this.

The current model for commands calling multiple project APIs is to put them in 
openstackclient.common, so yes, in-tree.

Overall, though, to stay consistent with OSC you would map operations into the 
current verbs as much as possible.  It is best to think in terms of how the CLI 
user is thinking and what she wants to do, and not how the REST or Python API 
is written.  In this case, 'baremetal' is a type of server, a set of attributes 
of a server, etc.  As mentioned earlier, containers will also have a similar 
paradigm to consider.



Dean Troyer<>
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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