On Tue, 16 Feb 2016, Doug Hellmann wrote:

[lots of reassonable stuff snipped]

I think we should be looking for
ways to say "yes" to new projects, rather than "no."

I think the opposite is worth thinking about. Maybe we should be
defaulting to "no". Not because candidates are bad, but because
unconstrained growth is. OpenStack is already big enough and resources
are limited. Maybe we should only add stuff that explicitly adds value
to OpenStack.

For the example of Poppy, there is nothing that requires it be a part
of OpenStack for it to be useful to OpenStack nor for it to exist as
a valuable part of the open source world.

Chris Dent               (�s°□°)�s�喋擤ォ�            http://anticdent.org/
freenode: cdent                                         tw: @anticdent
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