Op dinsdag 7 oktober 2014 13:30:16 schreef Alexander Graf:
> On 07.10.14 08:43, Mike Veltman wrote:
> > Hello Gentlepeople :)
> > 
> > The good news it worked.
> Oh? The image hasn't built since the fixes yet.
> > But I did encounter a problem, when I tried to resize the filesystem it
> > complained that the partion was wrong and it was unable to do so. (With
> > yast)
> Hrm. Why exactly did you want to resize the filesystem? By default the
> root partition should span the full SD card after first boot.
> > It worked fine when I did put the card in the laptop.

Did you use an SD card interface in your computer? I have the same problem in 
that case. My SD card interface can only be used for reading and not for 
writing, it is write protected. I have an USB device in which I can insert a 
SD card. In that case I can write the SD card.


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Freek de Kruijf

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