On Sonntag, 10. Juli 2016 09:53:34 CEST you wrote:
> This indicates that we’re writing the SPL/boot0 to the SD card, but didn’t
> resize the GPT properly to make space for it.
> The code that should have done this is here at line 287:
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/openSUSE:Factory:ARM/JeOS/uboo
> t-image-install.in?expand=1&rev=446
> I guess using the absolute path
> /usr/src/packages/KIWIROOT-oem/usr/sbin/gdisk in the firstboot script isn’t
> the smartest idea. Instead we should just set PATH accordingly.
> I’ve checked in an updated version of the description that hopefully build
> correct images:
> https://build.opensuse.org/package/rdiff/openSUSE:Factory:ARM/JeOS?linkrev=
> base&rev=447
> Please give it a try once you see the new build emerge :).
> Alex

Tried http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/

but it stops shortly after GRUB:
Loading linux.vmx...
Loading initrd.vmx...
EFI stub: Booting Linux Kernel...
EFI stub: UEFI Secure Boot is enabled.

Kind regards,


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