Hi Antonio,

On 08/11/2019 05:09, Linux Kamarada wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 5, 2019 at 6:30 AM Matthias Brugger <mbrug...@suse.com> wrote:
>> On 04/11/2019 23:23, Linux Kamarada wrote:
>>> I'm trying to build the Linux kernel provided by the Raspberry Pi
>>> Foundation, its source is available here:
>> Why are you doing this?
> Although I agree the best way is what you are doing (trying to
> integrate the RPi4 modules into the upstream Linux kernel), I believe
> the fastest way of getting a working Leap 15.1 on a RPi4 is to use the
> same kernel provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and already used
> by Raspbian and Manjaro. So, I decided to try that other direction.

Ok, I won't call this Leap 15.1 as it is only the user-space part.
Out of interest, what's the most urgent thing you need in RPi4 that is not
supported by our image right now (I know we are missing a lot of stuff still).

>>> But OBS built it for x86_64, while armv7l and aarch64 were excluded.
>>> What am I doing wrong?
>> You need to change the the project's meta and add a repository for arm. This
>> should give you the idea:
>> https://build.opensuse.org/projects/hardware:boot/meta
> Thanks! Now things are building:
> https://build.opensuse.org/project/monitor/home:kamarada:15.1:dev:RPi4
> Have you seen Request 736763? :-o
> https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/736763
> "This is a humble request to remove this project.
> Accepting this request will free resources on our always crowded server.
> Please decline this request if you want to keep this repository
> nevertheless. Otherwise this request
> will get accepted automatically in near future.
> Such requests get not created for projects with open requests or if
> you remove the OBS:AutoCleanup attribute.
> Created by Admin 29 days ago
> In state new
> This request will be automatically accepted in __1 day__."
> :-o (emphasis added)
> Please, deny it :D

Thanks for the pointer, I denied it, because I'll use it as playground. But
everything should be accepted in OBS by now. I suppose the only thing you care
about is the openSUSE-Tumbleweed-JeOS which is now part of
So you can just link to this project.

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