Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package openQA for openSUSE:Factory checked 
in at 2018-06-20 15:34:43
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/openQA (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.openQA.new (New)

Package is "openQA"

Wed Jun 20 15:34:43 2018 rev:25 rq:617892 version:4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2018-05-30 11:41:29.140556178 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.openQA.new/openQA-test.changes  2018-06-20 
15:34:49.782515928 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Tue Jun 19 18:37:47 UTC 2018 - co...@suse.com
+- Update to version 4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82:
+  * Remove running_or_waiting method
+  * Remove waiting state that was leftover from 5e65496f
+  * Ensure proxy is connected to os-autoinst in devel test
+  * Allow status as a ws_proxy command
+  * Make waiting for paused more robust against disconnects
+  * Remove unused parameter in wait_for_developer_console_contains_log_message
+  * Let the web socket console automatically reconnect
+  * Ensure ws connection won't timeout in fullstack tests
+  * Improve check for developer console in fullstack test
+  * Remove link to developer console
+  * Use docker image from OBS (#1685)
+  * Let tmpfiles.d create the mount point "share" (#1689)
+  * Add basic barrier documentation
+  * Improve documentation about mutexes
+  * Remove $isodir from Utils (only used in tests)
+  * Remove /tests/X/iso route
+  * Remove hdddir and otherdir from Utils
+  * Fix waiting for development session
+  * Don't fake D-Bus when running the devel fullstack test
+  * Propagate os-autoinst URL from worker to web UI
+  * Fix CSS for developer console
+  * Fix path for liveviewhandler in Apache config
+  * Adapt execution of developer test to latest changes
+  * Fix perl critic error
+  * Open the 2nd window/tab in devel mode test correctly
+  * Handle errors happening before dev session correctly
+  * Add unit test for developer mode
+  * Remove unneccassary D-bus env for livehandler
+  * Refactor live view handler to use regular methods
+  * developer console: Handle case when port is NaN
+  * Refactor full-stack.t and 33-developer_mode.t
+  * Add test for developer mode to Travis test matrix
+  * Add test for developer mode
+  * Workaround broken syntax highlighting of full-stack.t in Kate
+  * Allow to start Selenium driver directly via start_driver
+  * Improve passing parameter to OpenQA::Test::Database::create()
+  * Fix ID of developer session info
+  * Increase inactivity timeout for openqa-livehandler
+  * ws client: Broadcast messages to all JavaScript client
+  * ws proxy: Try/catch only JSON decoding
+  * Allow login as a 2nd administrator via fake auth
+  * Make logout accessible via regular GET
+  * Install service file for openqa-livehandler
+  * Use transaction to delete development session
+  * Move ws connection for developer session to its own service
+  * Keep track of developer session, limit to one session per job
+  * Validate commands before passing to os-autoinst
+  * Make the websocket proxy route basically work
+  * Allow to use websocket console for proxy route as well
+  * Add basic structure for developer mode web socket route
+  * Make fullstack test more verbose
+  * Prevent warning in fullstack test
+  * Test pausing and resuming jobs
+  * Add web socket console for isotovideo commands
+  * Display incomplete jobs in next&previous tab (#1682)
+  * Update documentation with NAT configuration using firewalld (#1683)
+  * Categorize UEFI PFLASH drives as HDD assets (#1684)
+  * Try caching
+  * Easier way to pass exit status from docker-tests
+  * Change message level when cgroups cannot be created (#1681)
+  * Fix typo in the travis.yml and fix the grep regular expression for the 
status checking (#1679)
+  * Adjust popover margin on audit log (#1678)
+  * Change from su to sudo in the docker image
+  * Docker shell scripts cleanup
+  * Allow where parameter for mutex unlocking (#1677)
+  * Documentation for running tests in docker
+  * Enable codecoverage
+  * Add support for os-autoinst
+  * Add DBUS support.
+  * Force user permissions 1000 to be compatible with opensuse
+  * Moved the DB from the host to the container
+  * First release of the dockerfile to create container to run unit and 
integration tests
+  * Remove job_set_running - as jobs are no longer waiting
+  * Remove job_set_waiting - jobs aren't WAITING anymore
+  * Remove current interactive mode
+Sat Jun 16 05:41:15 UTC 2018 - co...@suse.com
+- initial package
--- /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/openQA/openQA.changes    2018-06-04 
13:23:27.238590615 +0200
+++ /work/SRC/openSUSE:Factory/.openQA.new/openQA.changes       2018-06-20 
15:34:50.818478337 +0200
@@ -1,0 +2,91 @@
+Tue Jun 19 18:37:47 UTC 2018 - co...@suse.com
+- Update to version 4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82:
+  * Remove running_or_waiting method
+  * Remove waiting state that was leftover from 5e65496f
+  * Ensure proxy is connected to os-autoinst in devel test
+  * Allow status as a ws_proxy command
+  * Make waiting for paused more robust against disconnects
+  * Remove unused parameter in wait_for_developer_console_contains_log_message
+  * Let the web socket console automatically reconnect
+  * Ensure ws connection won't timeout in fullstack tests
+  * Improve check for developer console in fullstack test
+  * Remove link to developer console
+  * Use docker image from OBS (#1685)
+  * Let tmpfiles.d create the mount point "share" (#1689)
+  * Add basic barrier documentation
+  * Improve documentation about mutexes
+  * Remove $isodir from Utils (only used in tests)
+  * Remove /tests/X/iso route
+  * Remove hdddir and otherdir from Utils
+  * Fix waiting for development session
+  * Don't fake D-Bus when running the devel fullstack test
+  * Propagate os-autoinst URL from worker to web UI
+  * Fix CSS for developer console
+  * Fix path for liveviewhandler in Apache config
+  * Adapt execution of developer test to latest changes
+  * Fix perl critic error
+  * Open the 2nd window/tab in devel mode test correctly
+  * Handle errors happening before dev session correctly
+  * Add unit test for developer mode
+  * Remove unneccassary D-bus env for livehandler
+  * Refactor live view handler to use regular methods
+  * developer console: Handle case when port is NaN
+  * Refactor full-stack.t and 33-developer_mode.t
+  * Add test for developer mode to Travis test matrix
+  * Add test for developer mode
+  * Workaround broken syntax highlighting of full-stack.t in Kate
+  * Allow to start Selenium driver directly via start_driver
+  * Improve passing parameter to OpenQA::Test::Database::create()
+  * Fix ID of developer session info
+  * Increase inactivity timeout for openqa-livehandler
+  * ws client: Broadcast messages to all JavaScript client
+  * ws proxy: Try/catch only JSON decoding
+  * Allow login as a 2nd administrator via fake auth
+  * Make logout accessible via regular GET
+  * Install service file for openqa-livehandler
+  * Use transaction to delete development session
+  * Move ws connection for developer session to its own service
+  * Keep track of developer session, limit to one session per job
+  * Validate commands before passing to os-autoinst
+  * Make the websocket proxy route basically work
+  * Allow to use websocket console for proxy route as well
+  * Add basic structure for developer mode web socket route
+  * Make fullstack test more verbose
+  * Prevent warning in fullstack test
+  * Test pausing and resuming jobs
+  * Add web socket console for isotovideo commands
+  * Display incomplete jobs in next&previous tab (#1682)
+  * Update documentation with NAT configuration using firewalld (#1683)
+  * Categorize UEFI PFLASH drives as HDD assets (#1684)
+  * Try caching
+  * Easier way to pass exit status from docker-tests
+  * Change message level when cgroups cannot be created (#1681)
+  * Fix typo in the travis.yml and fix the grep regular expression for the 
status checking (#1679)
+  * Adjust popover margin on audit log (#1678)
+  * Change from su to sudo in the docker image
+  * Docker shell scripts cleanup
+  * Allow where parameter for mutex unlocking (#1677)
+  * Documentation for running tests in docker
+  * Enable codecoverage
+  * Add support for os-autoinst
+  * Add DBUS support.
+  * Force user permissions 1000 to be compatible with opensuse
+  * Moved the DB from the host to the container
+  * First release of the dockerfile to create container to run unit and 
integration tests
+  * Remove job_set_running - as jobs are no longer waiting
+  * Remove job_set_waiting - jobs aren't WAITING anymore
+  * Remove current interactive mode
+Sat Jun 16 04:46:52 UTC 2018 - co...@suse.com
+- Add Dockerfile and entrypoint.sh for development container
+- Remove _multibuild to pass source validator
+Wed Jun 13 14:38:13 UTC 2018 - marius.kitt...@suse.com
+- Add files for livehandler daemon 




Other differences:
++++++ openQA-test.spec ++++++
# spec file for package openQA-test
# Copyright (c) 2018 SUSE LINUX GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

%define         short_name openQA
Name:           %{short_name}-test
Version:        4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82
Release:        0
Summary:        Test package for openQA
License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
BuildRequires:  %{short_name} == %{version}
BuildRequires:  openQA-local-db
ExcludeArch:    i586


# workaround to prevent post/install failing assuming this file for whatever
# reason
touch %{_sourcedir}/%{short_name}

# call one of the components but not openqa itself which would need a valid
# configuration
/usr/share/openqa/script/initdb --help

# disable debug packages in package test to prevent error about missing files
%define debug_package %{nil}

++++++ openQA.spec ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.F1Mach/_old  2018-06-20 15:34:52.290424911 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.F1Mach/_new  2018-06-20 15:34:52.294424767 +0200
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
 # runtime requirements that also the testsuite needs
 %define t_requires perl(DBD::Pg) perl(DBIx::Class) perl(Config::IniFiles) 
perl(SQL::Translator) perl(Date::Format) perl(File::Copy::Recursive) 
perl(DateTime::Format::Pg) perl(Net::OpenID::Consumer) 
perl(Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile) perl(Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack) 
perl(aliased) perl(Config::Tiny) perl(DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault) 
perl(DBIx::Class::Schema::Config) perl(DBIx::Class::Storage::Statistics) 
perl(IO::Socket::SSL) perl(Data::Dump) perl(DBIx::Class::OptimisticLocking) 
perl(Text::Markdown) perl(Net::DBus) perl(IPC::Run) perl(Archive::Extract) 
perl(CSS::Minifier::XS) perl(JavaScript::Minifier::XS) perl(Time::ParseDate) 
perl(Sort::Versions) perl(Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client) perl(BSD::Resource) 
perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS) perl(Pod::POM) perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess) 
perl(Minion) perl(Mojo::Pg)
 Name:           openQA
-Version:        4.5.1528009330.e68ebe2b
+Version:        4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82
 Release:        0
 Summary:        The openQA web-frontend, scheduler and tools
-License:        GPL-2.0+
+License:        GPL-2.0-or-later
 Group:          Development/Tools/Other
 Url:            http://os-autoinst.github.io/openQA/
 Source0:        %{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@
 # use update-cache to update it
 Source1:        cache.txz
 Source101:      update-cache.sh
+Source102:      Dockerfile
+Source103:      entrypoint.sh
 BuildRequires:  %{t_requires}
 BuildRequires:  fdupes
 BuildRequires:  os-autoinst
@@ -349,6 +351,7 @@
 # init
 %dir %{_unitdir}
@@ -368,6 +371,7 @@
 # TODO: define final user

++++++ Dockerfile ++++++
#!BuildTag: openqa_dev
FROM opensuse:42.3

# Define environment variable
ENV NAME openQA test environment

RUN zypper ar -f -G 

RUN zypper in -y -C \
       glibc-i18ndata \
       glibc-locale \
       automake \
       curl \
       dbus-1-devel \
       fftw3-devel \
       gcc \
       gcc-c++ \
       git \
       gmp-devel \
       gzip \
       libexpat-devel \
       libsndfile-devel \
       libssh2-1 \
       libssh2-devel \
       libtheora-devel \
       libtool \
       libxml2-devel \
       make \
       opencv-devel \
       patch \
       postgresql-devel \
       qemu \
       qemu-tools \
       qemu-kvm \
       tar \
       optipng \
       sqlite3 \
       postgresql-server \
       which \
       chromedriver \
       xorg-x11-fonts \
       'rubygem(sass)' \
       perl \
       sudo \
       'perl(App::cpanminus)' \
       'perl(Archive::Extract)' \
       'perl(BSD::Resource)' \
       'perl(CSS::Minifier::XS)' \
       'perl(Carp::Always)' \
       'perl(Class::Accessor::Fast)' \
       'perl(Config)' \
       'perl(Config::IniFiles)' \
       'perl(Config::Tiny)' \
       'perl(Cpanel::JSON::XS)' \
       'perl(Crypt::DES)' \
       'perl(Cwd)' \
       'perl(DBD::Pg)' \
       'perl(DBD::SQLite)' \
       'perl(DBIx::Class)' \
       'perl(DBIx::Class::DeploymentHandler)' \
       'perl(DBIx::Class::DynamicDefault)' \
       'perl(DBIx::Class::OptimisticLocking)' \
       'perl(DBIx::Class::Schema::Config)' \
       'perl(Data::Dump)' \
       'perl(Data::Dumper)' \
       'perl(Digest::MD5) >= 2.55' \
       'perl(Data::OptList)' \
       'perl(DateTime::Format::Pg)' \
       'perl(DateTime::Format::SQLite)' \
       'perl(Devel::Cover)' \
       'perl(Devel::Cover::Report::Codecov)' \
       'perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 7.12' \
       'perl(Exception::Class)' \
       'perl(File::Copy::Recursive)' \
       'perl(IO::Socket::SSL)' \
       'perl(IPC::Run)' \
       'perl(IPC::System::Simple)' \
       'perl(JSON::XS)' \
       'perl(JavaScript::Minifier::XS)' \
       'perl(LWP::Protocol::https)' \
       'perl(Minion)' \
       'perl(Module::CPANfile)' \
       'perl(Mojo::IOLoop::ReadWriteProcess)' \
       'perl(Mojo::Pg)' \
       'perl(Mojo::RabbitMQ::Client)' \
       'perl(Mojolicious)' \
       'perl(Mojolicious::Plugin::AssetPack)' \
       'perl(Mojolicious::Plugin::RenderFile)' \
       'perl(Net::DBus)' \
       'perl(Net::OpenID::Consumer)' \
       'perl(Net::SNMP)' \
       'perl(Net::SSH2)' \
       'perl(Perl::Critic)' \
       'perl(Perl::Tidy)' \
       'perl(Pod::POM)' \
       'perl(Pod::Coverage)' \
       'perl(SQL::SplitStatement)' \
       'perl(SQL::Translator)' \
       'perl(Selenium::Remote::Driver)' \
       'perl(Socket::MsgHdr)' \
       'perl(Sort::Versions)' \
       'perl(Test::Compile)' \
       'perl(Test::Fatal)' \
       'perl(Test::Pod)' \
       'perl(Test::Mock::Time)' \
       'perl(Test::MockModule)' \
       'perl(Test::MockObject)' \
       'perl(Test::Output)' \
       'perl(Socket::MsgHdr)' \
       'perl(Test::Warnings)' \
       'perl(Text::Markdown)' \
       'perl(Time::ParseDate)' \
       'perl(XSLoader) >= 0.24' \
       'TimeDate' \
       perl-Archive-Extract \
       perl-Test-Simple \
       'perl(aliased)' \
       dbus-1 systemd-sysvinit \
        systemd libudev1 tack

RUN cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus.service /etc/systemd/system/; \
    sed -i 's/OOMScoreAdjust=-900//' /etc/systemd/system/dbus.service
VOLUME ["/sys/fs/cgroup", "/run"]

CMD ["/sbin/init"]

ENV OPENQA_DIR /opt/openqa

RUN echo "$NORMAL_USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
RUN mkdir -p /home/$NORMAL_USER
RUN useradd -r -d /home/$NORMAL_USER -g users --uid=1000 $NORMAL_USER
RUN chown $NORMAL_USER:users /home/$NORMAL_USER
VOLUME [ "/opt/openqa" ]

# explicitly set user/group IDs

RUN mkdir -p /opt/testing_area
RUN chown -R $NORMAL_USER:users /opt/testing_area

COPY entrypoint.sh /usr/bin/entrypoint
RUN ["chmod","+x","/usr/bin/entrypoint"]
ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint"]

++++++ _service ++++++
--- /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.F1Mach/_old  2018-06-20 15:34:52.350422734 +0200
+++ /var/tmp/diff_new_pack.F1Mach/_new  2018-06-20 15:34:52.354422588 +0200
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <service name="tar_scm" mode="disabled">
+  <service name="obs_scm" mode="disabled">
+    <param name="extract">docker/travis_test/entrypoint.sh</param>
+    <param name="extract">docker/travis_test/Dockerfile</param>
+    <param name="extract">openQA.spec</param>
+    <param name="extract">openQA-test.spec</param>
     <param name="url">git://github.com/os-autoinst/openQA.git</param>
-    <param name="versionprefix">4.5</param>
+    <param name="revision">master</param>
+    <param name="versionprefix">4.6</param>
     <param name="versionformat">%ct.%h</param>
     <param name="scm">git</param>
-    <param name="revision">master</param>
     <param name="changesgenerate">enable</param>
     <param name="changesauthor">co...@suse.com</param>
-  <service name="recompress" mode="disabled">
+  <service name="set_version" mode="disabled"/>
+  <service name="tar" mode="buildtime"/>
+  <service name="recompress" mode="buildtime">
     <param name="compression">xz</param>
     <param name="file">*.tar</param>
-  <service name="set_version" mode="disabled">
-  </service>

++++++ entrypoint.sh ++++++

set -e

cp -rd /opt/openqa /opt/testing_area

cd /opt/testing_area/openqa

function create_db {
    set -e
    export PGDATA=$(mktemp -d)
    initdb --auth=trust -N $PGDATA

cat >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf <<HEREDOC

    pg_ctl -D $PGDATA start -w
    createdb -h $PGDATA openqa_test

    export TEST_PG="DBI:Pg:dbname=openqa_test;host=localhost;port=5432"

function run_as_normal_user {
    cpanm -n --mirror http://no.where/ --installdeps .
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        export MOJO_LOG_LEVEL=debug
        export MOJO_TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
        export OPENQA_LOGFILE=/tmp/openqa-debug.log
        echo "Missing depdencies. Please check output above"

export -f create_db run_as_normal_user


dbus-run-session -- sh -c "$*"
++++++ openQA.obsinfo ++++++
name: openQA
version: 4.6.1529433451.a70c6e82
mtime: 1529433451
commit: a70c6e822ec402bdd48da733d1a86ba7052711a1

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