> Alberto,
> They are talking about TexLive 
> (http://tug.ctan.org/cgi-bin/ctanPackageInformation.py?id=texlive),
> which is a 1GB iso image that allows you to run Tex directly from a DVD 
> on another computer. All the other Latex and Tex related packages for 
> running in your own openSuse machine would remain in the installation 
> media.

Hello Carlos,
this is not exactly what I understood in status meetings. For example


Andreas said they are switching from tetex to TeXLive:


(18:02:44) <AJaeger>    Currently the major change is the switch to TeXlive  - 
from teTeX.
(18:03:10) <AJaeger>    It's done for most of the trivial stuff, now come some 
more esoteric

Moreover, I would not see the point of including a live edition of TeX
on the DVD/CD's of the distribution. They're going to include only
binaries, fonts and packages necessary to run LaTeX. That's why I
commented ;-)

With kind regards,

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