В сообщении от Saturday 07 July 2007 18:27:42 Andreas Jaeger написал(а):
> Michael Löffler wrote on opensuse-announce:
> > Hi,
> >
> > the survey we did on proprietary software can be found here:
> > http://en.opensuse.org/UX#Surveys
> >
> > It shows that we ship on the media some software which is hardly used
> > (e.g. PlanMaker, SEPsesam etc.). Software which is hardly used we don't
> > neet to ship on our media. Therfor my suggestion is to drop some software
> > totally and offer some software only via ftp. To be discussed on
> > opensuse-project.
> >
> > Best
> > Michael
> >
> > PS: The question on TexLive was confusing. TexLive is open source but we
> > wanted to know the use of it as it needs meanwhile so much space.
> So, Michael and myself *propose* the following actions:
> * Remove ARCAD completely since it does not work at all on x86-64 (see
>   bug #248873)
> * Offer software that reached either > 80% on "Never" or less than 15 %
>   on "Often" + "Very often" only via *ftp* with 10.3.  The following
>   software would be affected:
> Planmaker
> SEPsesam
> TextMaker
> TeXlive
> Moneyplex falls also under this role, due to its usecase we suggest to
> leave it on the media.
> What do you think?
> Andreas

I think it's impossible to decide if this or that program should left the 
media since we don't know the final media layout for 10.3

Does that mean that we stick to 6cd + kde/gnome 1cd variant or do you consider 
questions raised by bug #276018?

Anyway regardless of the media size and layout I support dropping outdated, 
buggy and hardly used software.

Regards, Nikolay Derkach
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