Le dimanche 16 octobre 2016, à 20:31 +0200, Olaf Hering a écrit :
> This friday I upgraded from TW 20160909 to 20161013.
> After the upgrade the desktop had no icons anymore (various files, Home,
> Trash and external storage). Are such settings supposed to be preserved?

That's because the code to draw the desktop got removed from nautilus, I
assume. So these settings are just gone, I guess.

> Also on this system I noticed there is now Wayland active. Is it supposed
> to be that way? Hopefully such switch does not cause the same damage as
> the notifier system caused to apps like Skype, Pidgin, KeepPassX and others.

Yes, Wayland is the default now, but in gdm, you can pick a session with
Xorg instead, if you have any issue with Wayland.

> In nautilus the names are sorted differently. On the local backup disk I
> have directories like 'Lastrun.[0-9].*, hourly.*, daily.*, etc..'.
> "Lastrun.[0-9].*" was listed first, now its listed somewhere in the
> middle. Do I need to rename my tracking data to start with either 'Z' or
> 'A' to have them listed first?

Just a guess, but could it be that the sort of files & directories is
now case-insensitive while it was case-sensitive before?


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