On Tuesday 29 May 2007 00:27, M Harris wrote:
>         2. Creating, procuring for themselves or others, selling,
> distributing, handing over or in any other manner making available to
> others
>    computer programs the purpose of which is the commission of such a
>    criminal offense will be punished with a prison term of up to one
>    year or with a fine.

        Following the logic of 202c to its ultimate conclusion results in 
making the 
entire distribution of openSUSE (or any other distro) illegal--- because a 
computer system (kernel, ip stack, and utilities) all constitute the standard 
tools through which a cyber crime is committed. The ludicrous hyper 
interpretation of this section of the German penal code (StGB) must 
necessarily lead to the conclusion that the distribution of entire operating 
systems and utilities ( not just port scanners like nmap ) are dangerous 
because they can be used in the commission of a cyber crime. 

        This is just about as silly as the judge who shocked the Woolwich Crown 
in the UK for not knowing what a "web-site" was. 


Clearly technology has presented legal western culture with a serious problem 
for aging ( judicial and legislative ) dogs who are apparently not able to 
learn new tricks. 

        Obviously education is needed; however, another thing that the 
community can 
do is to "re-market" certain tools in a positive light... perhaps even 
repackaging tools like nmap... giving nmap a new name like health-map, and 
packaging it with network security tools to be used for the expressed purpose 
of protecting local infrastructures, etc.  

        On the other hand, nmap has been in the community for so long that to 
its distribution is very analogous to outlawing the distribution of firearms. 
If we outlaw the distribution of firearms only criminals will have firearms. 
If we outlaw the distribution of security tools like nmap, only crackers will 
have nmap. (well, along with the millions of other folks like myself who 
already have it)


Kind regards,

M Harris     <><
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