> On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 05:37 -0400, Ciro Iriarte wrote:
> > >
> > > You have a point there. I have done some reading about the Intel
> > > versions of their CPU's. If all is true what is written in the
> > > WikiPedia, that only the "Intel Core 2 brand refers to CPUs with the
> > > 64-bit Core microarchitecture". All else is 32 Bit.
> > > (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core#Yonah).
> > >
> > > "Intel 64 (Intel's x86-64 implementation) is not supported by Yonah",
> > > (and all else before?).
> > >
> > > So only OpenSUSE 10.2 32 Bit works on these notebooks, but that x86_64
> > > should only run on the Intel Core 2. Does it run OpenSUSE 10.2 X86_64?
> > >
> > > Perhaps I should rather look at an AMD Athlon/Turon 64 X2 Mobile system
> > > like the Inspiron 1501. Anyone got one running OpenSUSE 10.2 X86_64?
> > >
> > > :-)
> > > Al
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > My Inspiron 6400 is running Opensuse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > Ciro
> Now I am flabbergasted! On which CPU's does OpenSUSE 10.2 X86_64 then
> run? On my normal X86_64 Athlon PC, OpenSUSE 10.2 X86_64 runs, but on a
> x86 it won't/can't install (understandably). Does it mean that if
> OpenSUSE 10.2 X86_64 installs that the x86-64 implementation works on
> the Inspiron 6400's Yonah?
> :-)
> Al
My 6400 has a Core 2 Duo cpu.... My Athlon64 runs fine also with Suse
10.1 (although my nforce5 based M2N32-SLI mobo was too new at that
time to be 100% supported)

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