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* Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [01-14-08 10:17]:
> > >> I'll go for not throwing up dependency errors if uninstalling, but it
> > >> definitely needs to be in the default install. Most users will want
> > >> Beagle.
> > >
> > I doubt this - all the users we have hate beagle and either remove it
> > or ask someone to remove it for them.
> Exactly.  Other than a few on this mailing list, I have yet to meet
> ANYONE who likes or uses Beagle.  The issue is not whether or not
> these people do or do not use a desktop search tool... it's because of
> the major performance impact that happens when Beagle is running.

I use it and "locate" and like it.  I seldom notice it running.  I run
my system 27/7, x86_64 X2.

> I can really see the usefulness of the concept behind Beagle...
> especially for a few end users that I know and help out from time to
> time.  The trade off though... The system performance impact they are
> all reporting is consistent... and it's consistent with my experience.

I guess mine is the only one inconsistent.

> To those that say open a bug report... open it and say what?  Beagle
> is too slow?  Devs will want specifics (and rightly so).  

They *will* ask for specifics and tell you how to get them.  But YOU
must take the first step as they do not know you have a problem.  This
is not the place to make your concerns noticed by the developers.

> I have no specifics other than to say that Beagle is not suitable to
> be used on a regular basis because of the performance impact I and
> every one else I know have experienced.... which is basically what
> almost everyone here is saying... minus the few who do have Beagle
> working fine.
> I would like to know how they managed it... if the answer is something
> along the lines of "I opened a terminal, su to root, nice -19ed it and
> then issue this other long string of commands..."... sorry... that
> tells me that Beagle should not be given to the masses by default.  If
> it works by default, then why is it working for you and not the rest
> of us?

I don't know, but the developers need to know.  You are the same as
bellyaching about a polition and not voting!

>   What is different?  I install a default install as given me by the
>   openSUSE installer and Beagle is consistently a resource hog... not
>   only on initial boot, but long long after as well.  This is the same
>   (in my experience) on clean installs with no user data, and on my
>   desktop with its 1.2TB of legacy data across 7 drives.  Something
>   doesn't make sense here.


- -- 
Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
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