My desire to include ant also stems from the fact that sometimes some of us
need multiple copies of ant hanging around. For example, I have an old
project that MUST be built with ant 1.3 (don't ask, it's a long story). So
moving in this direction would be a win. Either way, Like I've said before,
you could still work like you always have. The only difference is that an
extra 1MB will need to be checked out initially. Not a heavy price in my


----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "os-dev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:58 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensymphony-developers] Re: [OS-webwork] OpenSymphony build

> Hello,
> Patrick Lightbody wrote:
> > If we don't include ant but instead tell people to download ant, I can
> > promise you that the mavenites will be clamoring for maven builds
> > since downloading maven or downloading ant are parallels. Besides,
> > is there, you can use ant just like you always have.
> In the "old days" before Ant was the defacto standard Java build tool,
> including Ant would be okay.  But nowdays having Ant installed is a
> requirement for any Java developer working with Open Source projects.
> Also, I don't think including Ant is going to make any difference for
> those who want to use Maven.  They will want to use it anyways so
> including Ant is just extra space and a maintenance issue and will not
> have any effect.
> If Ant is not included, there doesn't need to be a and build.bat.
> > src/java, src/test, src/etc, src/examples.... what can I say? I go both
> > ways, but lately I've been happier about putting everything in subdirs
> > src. Keeps things less-flat.
> The main reason for a src/java is there can be other kinds of source
> than Java :) .
> > Coding style: we need it. Live with it. It's nice. Basically, jalopy is
> > REALLY cool and works very well. In this build script, any code that is
> > compiled will be formatted as well. We'll immediately have the same
> > standard in all our classes, regardless of people's choices for coding.
> > you can write your code your own way, compile, check in, and there is no
> > work on your part to conform to a coding convention. We have failed in
> > trying to enforce a particular coding convention on a per-project basis
> > (look at the OSWorkflow sources, for example).
> Yeah.  It's even a pain when some people are using hard tabs let alone
> different coding styles.
> > Coverage reports and unit test reports... they should be on the website
> > least, and I tend to think along the lines of: anything on the website
> > should also be in the distro.
> Rather, buildable from the distro.  However, if this requires various
> third party jars, they should probably not be included unless they are
> few and small or maybe a key part of the build.
> > -Pat
> -Bill
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Hani Suleiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Cc: "os-dev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:23 AM
> > Subject: [Opensymphony-developers] Re: [OS-webwork] OpenSymphony build
> > process
> >
> >
> >
> >>On the whole this seems reasonable. Some reservations though:
> >>
> >>I really hate the src/java, src/blah structure. I'm trying to find a
> >>logical reason for this hatred though but not succeeding ;) I'd like
> >>src to just contain java. Maybe I'm old fashioned.
> >>
> >>I am vehemently opposed to build.bat and All you need is ant.
> >>I'm likewise against checking in ant to every single project. It's a
> >>fairly reasonable assumption that people who might need to build a
> >>project have ant installed (you don't bundle gnu make with every
> >>project that has a Makefile).
> >>
> >>Likewise, I'm against forcing a particular coding style. the coverage
> >>reports and suchlike are just eye candy really, so I'm ambivalent there.
> >>
> >>Also, I'm not sure there is much point in adding code coverage results
> >>or test cases to a distribution. Those are aimed at end users, and huge
> >>downloads full of mostly useless cruft do not encourage warm fuzzy
> >>happy feelings towards fellow man/developer.
> >>
> >>On Tuesday, December 17, 2002, at 11:11 AM, Patrick Lightbody wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>I think we should standardize the OpenSymphony build process. Here is
> >>>my
> >>>first cut at it, please comment:
> >>>
> >>>- attached is a build script for OSCore, but as you can see, it's very
> >>>generic. We should use this as a base and not add much more to it,
> >>>mostly
> >>>instructions on how to package files like ejb-jar.xml in to the jar
> >>>itself.
> >>>
> >>>-the directory structure of CVS would look like:
> >>>
> >>>project/
> >>>project/docs
> >>>project/lib
> >>>project/lib/build
> >>>project/lib/build/jalopy
> >>>project/lib/core
> >>>project/lib/optional
> >>>project/src/etc
> >>>project/src/java
> >>>project/src/test
> >>>project/src/example [if needed]
> >>>
> >>>There would be build.bat and scripts to build the project,
> >>>meaning
> >>>CVS is self-contained (no ant install needed). So that means that ant
> >>>and
> >>>all the optional tasks would be in lib/build.
> >>>
> >>>- distribution structure:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>- if you see in the script, there would be three extra tasks built in
> >>>to the
> >>>build script:
> >>> * jalopy (code formatting)
> >>> * junit (unit tests)
> >>> * clover (test coverage reports)
> >>>
> >>>- Documentation is assumed to be HTML right now, but pending Ken's
> >>>final
> >>>thoughts, this would change. Also, the junit and clover reports could
> >>>be run
> >>>through XSLs as well.
> >>><build.xml>
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