While we are on the topic of Hibernate......

Cheers, matthew

Begin forwarded message:

From: Bill Burke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Sep 17, 2003  12:08:45 PM US/Central
To: Gavin King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: hibernate list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Hibernate] JBoss welcomes Gavin and Hibernate


I would sincerely like to welcome Gavin and Hibernate to the JBoss Group and JBoss.org umbrella. I can't tell you how incredibly psyched and excited we at JBoss are about this. Over the past year, I can't tell you how many times we've encountered customers that are using Hibernate or are looking to use Hibernate to replace the clunky design that EJB CMP is.

Technically this is a perfect marriage for both projects. We at JBoss have been looking at replacing our aging CMP persistence for over a year now in JBoss 4.0. We are excited that we will be able to leverage Hibernate as the backbone of our persistence solutions rather than having to patch our existing, aging solution or rewriting it from scratch. Hibernate will also become part of our POJO/AOP based solution and a key component of our aspect-oriented middleware offering. These two things alone will expand the userbase and developer base of Hibernate. This means more people finding bugs and more people fixing bugs.

JBoss developers have also done a lot of distributed caching work that will be applicable to Hibernate. We will also help Gavin create tighter integration of Hibernate with JBoss for those of you who are interested in that. Things like packaged Hibernate components that can be hot-deployed. JMX management of Hibernate components. Those are just a few of the things that we can introduce.

JBoss Group is proud to pionner a model we call "Professional Open
Source" whereby JBoss.org grows and JBoss Group recruits the top talent
from succesful open source efforts. It enables developers to work
fulltime, become pro, on their own projects. Recently JBoss Group
recruited Remy Maucherat, the lead developer of Tomcat 5, Julien Viet
the developer of Nukes, Bela Ban, creator of JavaGroups, more are coming. JBG offers the rare opportunity to turn from hobbyist open source to professional open source. All core JBoss developers are pro themselves(myself included). JBoss Group professional open source sponsors the top developers to work full time on their projects and thus provides a boost to the projects involved by sponsoring their leaders. Finally the availability of professional services is a boost to corporate adoption of succesful open source projects such as Hibernate. We strongly believe this is the way of the future at > JBoss.

Finally, I'd also like to reiterate Gavin's assertion that not much will change for Hibernate users other than that you might see some references /advertisements for JBossGroup services for Hibernate on the Hibernate.org website. Gavin will still retain full control of the Hibernate trademark, website, and project. He will work mostly on Hibernate and will only give occasional support to our CMP team lead by Alex Loubyansky.

All and all, I hope you all look favorably on this new relationship. I know I do.

Thanks all!


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