Just 1.4

On Dec 28, 2003, at 12:15 AM, Matthew E. Porter wrote:

Are these changes for webwork 1 & 2?

Cheers, matthew

On Dec 27, 2003, at 5:22 PM, Hani Suleiman wrote:

I've moved the pell classes to be internal to webwork, and added a new magic value for webwork.multipart.parser 'internal', which will make webwork use the internal parser.

I'd also like to change the default parser to be the internal one, which would mean that webwork had one less dependency out of the box, and all it'd need is commons-logging.jar. pell and cos can still be supported in exactly the same way they now, it costs us next to nothing to support them and if one day they do get progress support, it can be added to their respective adapters.

So barring any objections, I'll commit my change to default.properties as well as an update multipart upload example in the example app that shows a progress bar.

On Dec 26, 2003, at 7:22 PM, Dick Zetterberg wrote:

This sounds great.
I think option 3 sounds best (having Jason incorporate the changes). I do
not know how much the Pell library changes these days, and how complicated
it really is.
If you think the code can be added to webwork (option 1) and maintained
without much effort, then please go ahead with that.
Perhaps support should be dropped for the COS library as well in that case?I
think it is just confusing, and the license does not match well with the
rest of webwork. Or does it have some important features not existent in
Pell/Webwork upload? Could they be added in that case?


Dick Zetterberg

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hani Suleiman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2003 7:44 AM
Subject: [OS-webwork] File upload progressbar

I've been piddling about with the idea of a progress monitor for file
uploads. At least 4 people have asked for it so it might be a
worthwhile addition to ww 1.4 (and then ported to 2.0).

I have something working now, I'll explain how it works below and would
appreciate any feedback as I'd rather people sign off on it before/if I
commit it.

The first issue is that it requires changes to the pell multipart
library. There's no cvs tree for this so maintaining diffs would be too
annoying, so we have a couple of options:

1) Move the code to the webwork tree, which would have the advantage of
being able to clean up the pell code (it's very, VERY ugly and quite
inefficient in some places), but the disadvantage would be that it's
extra code for us to maintain.

2) Publish a set of diffs against the latest version of pell, so anyone
updating pell can apply diffs and check in the resultant binary.
Advantages is that we'd stay kinda in sync with pell. Disadvantages
would be the hassle of managing the diffs.

3) Get Jason Pell to accept the changes and commit them to his tree.
I've emailed him about the changes I made a year ago, but he didn't
seem that interested, might be worth trying again.

The actual changes are the addition of a MultipartListener interface
which is passed in to the various constructors, this has 3 methods:

   void fileStarted(String fileName, long size);
   void dataRead(String fileName, int amount);
   void fileCompleted(String fileName);

It's fairly clear from the names what each one does.

Modifications in webwork:

Addition of a ProgessMonitor bean, this would hold the current 'state'
of the upload. Currently I have it implemented with filename/data left
to read/data read/total size.

Modification of PellMultiPartRequest to implement MultipartListener,
and pass itself into the pell constructors. Before the pell constructor
is called, an instance of the progress meter is created and put in the
http session (it's also a new field in PellMultipartRequest). The
implementation of the listener methods simply updates the appropriate
fields in the progress bean. When the pell constructor returns (ie,
parsing is done), the progress bean is removed from the session.

That's pretty much it on the server end. So during the upload, there is
a progress bean in the session that can be queried on the client side.

The modification I made to the webwork upload example is to add an
iframe to the upload page. When the page is loaded, the iframe is set
to be blank, when the form is submitted, the iframe location is set to
a simple jsp page that just reads the properties of the progress bean
and displays them.



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