Hi OpenVAS community,

 > I have been contacted by Tenable. They are pretty sure
 > some plugins in openvas-plugins module are present
 > that should not be there due to never being GPL licensed.
 > Basically it should at least be anything that matches
 > grep -i  "script_copyright.*Tenable.*" scripts/*

Just a clarification : I was referring to the list of plugins seen in  
the email than Jan sent to openvas-devel :


Whereby some plugins such as the Veritas Netbackup plugins have never  
been released in the GPL feed and whose release post-dates our  
license announcement nearly by a full year.

The current Tenable GPL feed does indeed contains some scripts (C)  
Tenable which are explicitely released under the GPL (such as  
gpl_feed.nasl) - redistributing those is obviously allowed.

                                -- Renaud

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