

I am new to OpenVAS and am trying to get my first installation up and
running. I have gone through the Compendium and followed the setup
instructions. Now, when I try to connect to my OpenVAS server from the
OpenVAS-Client, I get an error that I cannot connect to localhost.
"OpenVAS-Client:  Could not open a connection to localhost."


I am running the client on the same system as the server. I checked, and I
do have openvassd and openvasad running. 

root     19513     1  0 10:33 ?        00:00:00 openvassd: waiting for
incoming connections

root     19666     1  0 10:37 ?        00:00:00 openvasad


I am trying to connect using TCP port 9390 (the default). I turned off the
CentOS built-in firewall.


This is a brand new installation of CentOS 5.5 x64, and I installed OpenVAS
from the most recent packages available in the Atomic repository. 


What am I doing wrong?




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