You could set up a local rsync server and mirror the scap data internally,
updating the SCAP mirror over HTTP.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Alter Ego <> wrote:

> I am wondering if there is any option or solution to being able to do a
> SYNC of scapdata without the use of RSYNC. I have requested of our network
> team and CISO for unblocking of the RSYNC port 873 through our firewall,
> even if for my OpenVAS system only and the answer has been "NO".
> I thought about setting up an external machine to tunnel through in order
> to retrieve the RSYNC from by sending it to my port 80 or 443 and was
> quickly advised that doing so is a violation of our Network Policy
> "purposeful workaround of established security procedures".
> I have viewed the script for the Scapdata sync and it seems that there may
> have been an option for utilization of "WGET" and/or "CURL" at one point,
> bu the line is now commented with " [w] Download of SCAP data via HTTP is
> currently not supported!".
> Is there no other way to "update" scapdata outside of RSYNC and if so, may
> I inquire as to why no other option has been or is considered viable?
> Many thanks,
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