Am 07.08.2016 um 21:16 schrieb Eero Volotinen:
You cannot do this.

and after years i still don't understand that stupidity reslove hostnames to IPs at that level instead just send the correct host header to the webserver

all the possible config hacks don't scale if you host a ton of domains and want just have a web application security scan with nothing else on them

7.8.2016 9.38 ip. "TN TN" < <>>

    Hi all,

    When I attempt to scan by hostname (
    <>), the scanner always scans by IP address? I
    can see the task by going on the scanner and doing a ps -ef | grep
    openvas and it shows me it's scanning the IP address. Does anyone
    know how I can get the scanner to scan the hostname instead of the
    IP? Thanks - T

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