On 2017-05-23 12:05, Thijs Stuurman wrote:
OpenVAS discuss list,

I ran a few scans with my new OpenVAS9 setup and all worked well.
Now I am starting a lot of scans and noticing most of 'm are hanging
on  the exact same 4 tests:

|   \_ openvassd: testing xxx
|   \_ openvassd: testing xxx
|   \_ openvassd: testing xxx
|   \_ openvassd: testing xxx

Is anyone else experiencing this? Is this a known issue? I updated the
NVT's etc' yesterday.
The processes run for an hour+.
Killing defuncts the process. I am unable to continue in any way
except kill and abort the whole scan.

Hi Thijs,

- Can you get a backtrace for the stuck processes ? The 4 nvts ones + the "testing xxxx" parent. - Could it be related to your Redis setup ? You can monitor it with: redis-cli -s /tmp/redis.sock MONITOR - If you're able to build from source, do you see this issue with current openvas-9 branch, and with trunk branch too ?

Best regards,

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