Dear openVAS Community,

we are using an openVAS 8 installation (ubuntu 16.04 server) with
multiple scan interfaces (eth0, gre1, gre2) for vulnerability scanning.

Some tasks are configured for "Network Source Interface" (in the Web UI
"Edit Task" dialog) eth0, some others for gre....

We have observed that if the field "Network Source Interface" is (by
accident) left blank when creating a new or editing an existing task,
openVAS resets ALL other existing tasks for all OTHER openVAS user
accounts on this openVAS instance to blank. This results in scanning
from eth0 (the default) for ALL existing tasks - which is extremely
annoying for scheduled tasks because the results are messed up, alerts
are sent (because of the changed scan score) and each user has to repair
each single task.

Did anyone else observe this behavior or - preferred :) - has a solution
for this problem?

Many thanks in advance!

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